How do I Use Stock Formulae?

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This article explains the stock calculation formulae used in Platinum and how to configure them.

More Information

When items are added to a Stock Invoice or Stock Sales Order the system can use a formula to determine if the item's stock level is within certain limits.

If you are using the Platinum Web Shop, you can also use a formula to choose what to display when a real time stock check is carried out.

The Reordering option can calculate Reorder and Maximum levels, what needs to be ordered and the quantity to order based on formula.

Create or Edit Formula

Go to " Stock Control Maintenance Options Formula Calculation".

Add a new Formula

  • Click [Add].
  • Enter a "Code" (max 6 characters).
  • Enter a suitable "Description".
  • Enter your formula. To view a list of characters and operators to use press <F11>. The help file contains some examples to assit you with writing your own formula.
  • Click [Done] and [Accept] once the formula is complete.

Edit an existing Formula

Be cautious when amending an existing formula in case it is in use within the system. We advise you make a note of the current formula before making any changes.
  • Select the formula to amend and click [Edit].
  • Amend the "Description" if necessary.
  • Amend the formula. To view a list of characters and operators to use press <F11>. The help file contains some examples to assit you with writing your own formula.
  • Click [Done] and [Accept] to save the changes.

Applying Formula

Insufficient Stock

When an item is added to a stock invoice in Invoicing and Customer Orders and/or a sales Order in Sales Order Processing the system can perform a calculation to determine if the stock level is within the required limits. To configure this formula :

Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Platinum Settings" and search for 'insuf stock'.

Each module has it's own setting.
  • Select the relevant module: Stock Control or Sales Order Processing.
  • Select "Insufficient stock formula" and click [Edit].
  • Enter the formula code or press <Ctrl+F1> to select from a list of available formula.

A suggested formula to use is 'NOSTK' 'S+O-A-Q1<0' This will take account of the Current Stock, plus the quantity on Purchase Orders, less quantity on Sales Orders, less the quantity on the current sale and if this is less than 0 you will be shown a warning.

Calculating Reorder and Maximum Levels

You may also apply specific formula to individual stock items.

    • Go to " Stock Control Add or Edit Stock Items"
    • Either enter in the stock code if you know it or search for the item.
    • Click on the [Depots] tab.
    • In the "Max Formula" and/or "Min Formula" enter the code of your formula to calculate the Maximum and Reorder Levels for this specific item. If this field is left blank the system will use the default formula.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Formula, Formulae, Formulas, Reorder, Invoicing, Insufficient, maximum, order