How do I Refund a Stock Deposit?

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This option allows you to refund a deposit taken in the Stock Control system.

More Information

Go to " Stock Control Invoice & Customer Orders".

  • At "Customer" enter or search for the customer's account code.
  • Remain on the "Customer" field and press <F2> or click [Deposits].
  • Press <F2> or click [Refunds].
  • Click [Search] to list all deposits linked to the customer's account.
  • Select the deposit to refund and click {[Button|Choose}}.
  • Select [Yes] to refund the selected deposit.
  • The "Payment Type" will default to the original method.
  • Click [Done] and choose [Rewceipt] to produce a receipt for the customer.
If you are refunding a deposit which was placed with a customer order, you will be asked if you wish to "Remove orders associated with this deposit/reference?". Choosing [Yes] will ensure the customer order is deleted so removing the link to the items they have ordered. You will no longer be able to retrieve their order.
Please be aware that purchase orders allocated to a specific supplier cannot be automatically removed. Any such orders will require specific removal elsewhere within the software. They should only be removed if delivery can be cancelled, this will require communication with the supplier beyond the scope of this software.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Deposit, refund, Stock Deposit
