How do I remove standard codes?

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This article explains how to prevent unwanted standard codes from appearing in your Platinum system

More Information

Standard lists of codes are issued throughout Platinum e.g. Unit Manufacturers, Stock Attributes, Unit Features and Customer Attributes.

When running a Platinum Software update the standard lists will be checked. Any new codes will be added and any missing ones replaced.

To customise the lists and ensure you do not see codes that are not relevant to your own business you can block unwanted codes. When a Platinum Software update is carried out it will recognise the blocked codes and leave them hidden rather than re-adding them to your system.

Deleting an unwanted code will result in it being re-added following your next Platinum Update.

Blocking a code

Go to the relevant list of codes to amend e.g. Unit features.

  • Click [Search] and find the code to block.
  • Press <Alt+F4>.
  • The phrase '***Blocked***' will appear alongside the description. To un-block a code press <Alt+F4> again.

The list of codes will default to hiding blocked codes. To show or hide these codes press <Shift+F3>.

  • Click [Close] to exit the list of codes.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
features, attributes, manufacturers
