How do I customise the customer booking process?

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The following article explains how to customise the automatic setting of booking statuses during the customer booking process.

More Information

The status of a customer booking is shown on the list in "Add or Edit Customer Bookings" and on the "Details" tab of "Customer Booking Properties".

The Default Statuses

The status of a customer booking is automatically set when the following milestones are reached:

  • When a new customer booking is created, the status 'PRO' -> 'Provisional' is set.
  • When the first deposit has been taken for the customer booking, the status 'CON' -> 'Confirmed' is set.
  • When the hire items are due to be collected by the customer, the status 'COL' -> 'Collection Due' is set.
  • When an invoice is produced for the customer booking, the status 'OUT' -> 'Out on Hire' is set.
  • When the hire items are due to be returned by the customer, the status 'BAC' -> 'Due Back' is set.
  • When the hire items have been returned and the [Returned] button on the toolbar of "Customer Booking Properties" has been pressed, the status 'RET' -> 'Returned but Incomplete' is set.
  • When all invoices have been paid and all deposits have been allocated or returned, the status 'COM' -> 'Returned and Complete' is set.
The status can only move on to the next status in the sequence. It will not skip over statuses in the sequence.

Amending the Default Statuses

If you want to customise the statuses set at each milestone:

  • Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Module Settings Booking and Hire Module Settings".
  • Scroll down to the "Customer Bookings" section.
  • Find the "Default ... status:" you would like to amend and enter the status you would like to set at that milestone.
If you do not want the status to change when a milestone is reached then you can blank out the setting.

Overriding by Activity Type

It is possible to override the default statuses and set different statuses depending on the booking time activity of the customer booking.

  • Go to " Booking and Hire Maintenance Options Add or Edit Activity Types".
  • Press the [Search] button.
  • Highlight the booking time activity for which you want to customise the statuses on the list.
  • Press the [Edit] button.
  • Move to the [Settings] tab.
  • In the "Booking Statuses" box, find the milestone for which you would like to amend the status and enter the code of the status you would like set when that milestone is reached.
  • Press the [Done] button and [Accept] the changes.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
customise, custom, booking, process, status, statuses, deposit, invoice, complete

BH02, BH95, BH96, BH97, BH98