How do I send a standard SMS message from Platinum?

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Revision as of 15:02, 27 September 2013 by Richard Green (talk | contribs) (See also)
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The ability to send standard SMS messages from the Platinum system.

More Information

Go to the location in Platinum where you would like to send the standard messages. E.g. if sending a message to a customer that his bike is ready, you would need to go into the workshop job.

Selecting SMS Sending Facility

  • Click on Messages on the menu bar at the top of the screen.
  • Click on SMS Messaging on the drop down menu.

You can now enter a message then click [Send] to send the message to the customer's mobile number.

Creating a Standard Message

If you often send the same message you can save typing it every time by creating a standard message. For details on creating a standard message click here.

Sending the message

To send the message that has now been saved:

  • Go to " Messages SMS Messaging" at the top of the Platinum screen.
  • Click the relevant standard message.
  • If the system has entered the mobile telephone number of the customer press the [Send] button.

See Also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
SMS, Short Message Service, Text, TXT, Messages, saved
