How do I add parts to a workshop job?

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This article explains how to add parts to a workshop job.

More Information

To add parts to a workshop job, go to " Workshop Workshop Diary". Either search for a job using <Ctrl+F1> and click [Edit] or click [Add] to Create a new job.

  • To add parts to a workshop job, press <F6> or select the [Invoice] tab.
  • This will take you to the [Invoice] tab which shows the items which will be charged to the job.
  • You may choose to add "Required" items, after which, if you have the Order Processing module, the system will automatically advise you what you have in stock and what you need to backorder. Note that required items are not booked out of stock or ordered until you have decided either way.
    • To add "Required" items, press <F6> or click on [Add].
  • You may, if you have the Order Processing module, add items to order. This might be the case if you know the items are not in stock, or you do not want to commit existing stock.
    • To add backorder items, press <Shift+F6>.
  • Finally you may add items to book out straight way. This might be necessary for example if you know you have the items in stock but the system has not yet been updated with unprocessed orders.
    • To add booked out items, press <Shift+F7>.
  • This will take you to the "Job Line Detail Amendments" screen, where we enter the details of our parts.

Adding Parts to a Job

  • At "Stock Code:" enter in a stock code of a part you want to add, or you can search for it if you don't know its code.
  • You can also move across to the "Description:" without entering anything in the stock code, and type a description of the item that you are booking to the job. This should be the exception and not the rule, but there can be circumstances where it is necessary.
  • If a valid stock code has been entered, the following fields will automatically be filled in, and as a general rule should not be changed. If you have chosen to skip "Stock Code" and type a description only, you should fill in as many of the fields as possible with the correct information.
    • The "Description:" will be filled in. You can if you choose over-type the description.
    • The "Category:" will be filled in. Or you can enter a different item category. This must be a valid category.
    • The "Unit Retail:" will be filled in, or you can enter in a different retail price for one unit.
    • The "Cost Price:" will be filled in. It is possible to alter this amount but it is best left as is.
    • The "Quantity:" will be set as one. It is here where you enter the quantity of units to be used. Fractions can be used if the item is calculated by weight or volume.
    • The "Discount:" will be set to 0% or the system will use a pre-defined account/price matrix which is set-up in the stock system. You can enter a different discount rate for the item if required.
Every other field that is on the screen is best left set to what is automatically brought up.

Once satisfied with the information added, press <Esc> where a prompt will ask "Do you want to accept or ignore any changes made?"

  • Click [Accept] to add the part to the workshop job.
  • This will take you back to "Stock Code:" where you can then add the next part to the workshop job.
  • Continue in this fashion until all parts have been booked to the job.
  • Press <Esc>.
  • This will take you back to the "Job details" screen where all the parts that have been added will be listed.
Awareness -If you chose to add booked out items, once you accept the item that you are entering, the part is booked out of stock.
Availability - If you chose the default action of adding Required items, once you finish adding parts you will be taken automatically to the Availability screen. The system will show you what you have in stock and what you need to order. Your job items will not be booked out or ordered until you accept the results of this screen.


  • Review the parts list. If any parts need adjusting, select the relevant line by clicking on it once or using the arrow keys.
  • Press <F5> or [Edit] to edit that part.
  • Press <F10> or [Remove] to delete the part from the workshop job. If the part was booked out this puts it back into stock.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
workshop job, description, create, add, jobs, parts

OP85, WS92, WS93