Getting started - Accounts

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The following article explains how to get started with Accounts.

More Information

Handling Takings

See How should I handle takings? for details on how to deal with takings.

Till Corrections

If your end of day report does not agree with your takings in the till, see How to deal with end of day till corrections.

The Banking Journal

When you pay money into the bank, see The Banking Journal.

Posting Purchase Invoices

When you need to post on a suppliers purchase invoice, see Posting Purchase Invoices.

Paying a Supplier

See Paying Suppliers for details on how to pay a supplier.

Posting Payments Received

See Posting Payments Received for details on how to post a receipt against a customers account.

Printing off an Aged Debtors or Creditors Listing

See How do I print an Aged Debtor or Creditor List? for details on how to print off an aged debtors or creditors listing.

Reconciling your Bank Account

See Reconciling your bank account for details on how to reconcile your bank account.

Journal Entries

See Posting Journals for details on how to post journals.

Month End Procedure

For details on how to process a moth end, see How to process a month end.

Regular Tasks

For procedures that you should carry out on a regular basis to maintain your system, please see Recommended Accounting Routines.

Based on our customers' experiences, carrying out these tasks regularly keeps your system tidy and accurate. This means that you can place your trust in the information that it provides, allowing you to drive your customer service levels up and freeing you to focus on increasing sales and managing your parts stock efficiently.