VM02 - Model description (Unit Sales Data Import variable)

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VM02{0-4, word-delimiters}


Description of the model.


A numeric parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "0").
Import all four lines of the description at once. If a word lays over the end of a line it will be moved on to the beginning of the next line.
Apply the change to description line 1 to 4.
A text parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "standard delimiters").
A list of characters to use to delimit words when importing the whole description or notes as a block. If a word would span from one line to another then the import will look back until a delimiter character is found, the word from that point onwards would then be placed on the next line.
If delimiters are not provided then the standard delimiters minus brackets '()' (as defined in the " Reports & Settings" for searches) will be used.
If you need to delimit by commas (',') then you should type an upper case 'C' instead, as commas are used to divide parameters.


A text value whose typical size is 40 characters.