ST72 - Stock Aliases (Stock Control Data Import variable)
From Catalyst
ST72{L/I, id}
This import variable allows you to manipulate the Stock Alias file, aliases can be auto generated, be imported or amended or removed.
Importing an alias of spaces with a quoted identification number will remove the alias, any aliases after it in the identification sequence will be shuffled up. |
- L/I
- A text parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "L").
- L
- Use the supplied alias to look up the Stock Code of this record.
- I
- Import the Actual alias supplied at the specified 'id'. If there is no supplied alias then a zero 'id' will cause the next alias code in sequence to be used.
- id
- A numeric parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "0").
- Each alias is given a specific identification number starting at one. A value of zero indicates that the next available identification number is to be used.
Only existing identification numbers are valid, if an alias is to be added then an identification number of zero should be used. |
A text value whose typical size is 15 characters.