How do I produce mailshot letters in Sales Prospecting?
From Catalyst
(Redirected from How do I Produce Interest Letters in Sales Prospecting?)
The following article explains how to produce interest letters in Sales Prospecting.
More Information
Go to " Sales Prospecting Interest Letters".
- In the "Sales Person:" field, enter the name of the sales person for whose prospects you wish to produce letters.
- In the "Interest Category:" field, choose the specific categories that you want, or leave blank for all categories.
- In the "Letter Name:" field, enter in the name of the letter you are going to produce, or press <Ctrl+F1> to search for it.
- In the "Send Duplicate Letters:" field, you can set whether you want to re-send a letter to a prospect if they have already had a letter sent.
- In the "Continuous Paper" field, selecting 'Y' will mean you will get all the letters off in one go, whereas with that set to 'N', you will need to feed a sheet through every time.
- If you wish to create a contact for each prospect who has a letter sent, leave "Create Contact Record:" set to 'Y'.
- Pressing <Alt+F2> will allow you to tag <T> the prospects you wish to send letters to.
- Press <F2> to produce the letters.
See also