How can I give discount on stock items?
This article will explain how to give discounts in Stock Control and Workshop.
More Information
You can apply discounts either at the time of sale, or by setting up a discount matrix on the customer.
Discount Via Point of Sale
To give discount to items in " Point of Sale", please follow the guide How do I Give Discount in Point Of Sale?.
This will apply discount only to this specific transaction.
Discount via Invoice and Customer Orders
To give discount to items in " Invoice and Customer Orders", please follow the guide How do I Give Discount in Invoice and Customer Orders?.
As with Point of Sale above, this will apply discount only to this specific transaction.
Discount via Workshop Management
To give discount in Workshop, please follow the guide How do I give discount in the workshop?.
As with the previous options above, this will apply discount only to the specific items on this job.
Discount via the Account
To give a permanent discount on stock items for a customer, please follow the guide How do I Set Account Pricing for a Customer?.
This allows you to set a discount matrix for the customer, i.e. you can give them one level of discount for a certain set of stock items, and a different level for another set, and so on.
The system will then apply the discounts that you have set automatically whenever that customer buys an item on which you have set up the discount.
See also
- How do I Set Account Pricing for a Customer?
- Stock Group Discounting Method
- How do I Give Discount in Point Of Sale?
- How do I Give Discount in Invoice and Customer Orders?
- How do I give discount in the workshop?