H19 - SMP/SAP/OSPP/ASPP Amount (Payroll Report Generator variable)
From Catalyst
H19{H/Y, M/A/R/P/I/O/B}
Statutory Maternity, Adoption, Ordinary Paternity, Additional Paternity and Parental Bereavement Pay amount for the historic transaction or year-to-date total.
- H/Y
- A text parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "H").
- H
- Historic (the value for this transaction).
- Y
- Year (the value for the payroll year including this transaction).
- M/A/R/P/I/O/B
- A text parameter that can be omitted.
- blank
- The total of all SMP, SAP, OSPP, ASPP and SPBP.
- M
- SMP only.
- A
- SAP only.
- R
- OSPP (birth) only.
- P
- OSPP (adoption) only.
- I
- ASPP (birth) only.
- O
- ASPP (adoption) only.
- B
- SPBP only.
A numeric value whose typical size is 4 digits plus 2 decimal places.