E63 - Default Pay Rates (Payroll Report Generator variable)
From Catalyst
E63{1-10, H/R/P/S}
The employee's default pay rates/hours etc. used when starting a fresh payroll period.
- 1-10
- A numeric parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "1").
- The pay rate to examine; employees can have up to 10 distinct pay rates.
- H/R/P/S
- A text parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "R").
- H
- The default hours worked. This is only available for the standard pay rate (pay rate 1).
- R
- The default hourly rate. This is only available for the standard pay rate (pay rate 1), a pay rate defined as a percentage of the standard pay rate (e.g. "time and a half"), or another explicit pay rate.
- P
- Percentage of standard pay rate. This is only available for the standard pay rate (which will always be 100!), a pay rate defined as a percentage of the standard pay rate (e.g. "time and a half"), or another explicit pay rate (in which case the percentage will be calculated).
- S
- Sum total. This is only available for the standard pay rate or a pay "rate" that has actually been defined as a fixed sum.
A numeric value whose typical size is 6 digits plus 2 decimal places. The value requested, or 0 if that value is not available. For percentage values, the result of e.g. 50% will be 50 (not 0.50).