E16 - Income Tax Code (Payroll Report Generator variable)
From Catalyst
E16{L/T/I/F, 1-4, A/Y}
The Tax code for the employee.
- L/T/I/F
- A text parameter that can be omitted.
- blank
- If no parameter is given then the full code (eg 252L) is returned.
- L
- Leader (The characters before the number, not including a Scottish or Welsh indicator)
- T
- Trailer (The characters after the number).
- I
- Scottish or Welsh indicator - returns blank or 'S' or 'C'.
- F
- Formatted - the full code is formatted for printing on certain reports where there is a space left aside for the Scottish or Welsh indicator.
- 1-4
- A text parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "1").
- 1
- Last Tax Code Change.
- 2
- Tax Code before last change, etc.
- A/Y
- A text parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "A").
- Used with 1->4 above.
- A
- All changes.
- Y
- Only those changes affecting the current Payroll Year.
A text value whose typical size is 7 characters.