AD02 - Account Code (Accounts Data Import variable)

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AD02{ledger, 0-9, 0-6}


The Account Code. If not actually present on the file, an automatic account code may be created from, for example, part of the account name, using the parameters below. In such a case you would give as the variable expression an area of the input line which contained the text you wanted to use, taking care to specify a size sufficient for the whole name (for example), that is 30, rather than 6.


A text parameter that can be omitted.
The Account Ledger.
Sales (Customer) Account.
Purchase (Supplier) Account.
A numeric parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "0").
The Minimum word length to use to create the account code. Giving a value of 4, for instance, would avoid using the word "The" which might begin an account name.
A numeric parameter that can be omitted (it defaults to "0").
The number of characters to take from the start of the selected word. This number of letters will be taken from the beginning of the word, then a number added to the end. This number will automatically step up if duplicate Account Codes are found. If this parameter is zero, or omitted, then the value extracted from the file will be placed in the account code "as is".


A text value whose typical size is 6 characters.