Shadow supplier default settings - group
Shadow supplier groups are used to provide stock items with extra information associated with the group to which they belong. For instance, stock item 'A' has a shadow supplier of 'X' and a group of '01'. Group '01' for shadow supplier 'X' is set up with an alternative supplier of Company 'K'. From this, stock item 'A' will have a main supplier of 'X', an alternative supplier of company 'K' and a group of '01' when the item is copied to the main stock file. This can be useful for items that you can get from more than one source.
Default Supplier Settings
To apply settings to all items for a particular supplier you can use the special group '###'. The way this works is that first any settings for group '###' will be applied, then any settings for the item's specific group. So you could apply a global discount for a particular supplier, but a specific group discount could override this.
More Information
To set up the shadow supplier group default settings, go to "Stock Control" -> "Maintenance Options" -> "Shadow File Maintenance" -> "Shadow Group Information".
- Press the [Add] button.
- Use the search keys to find the '<Supplier>' or type in the code.
- Move to the next field "Group:" and press <F1> until you find the group you want and then press <Enter>.
- Fill in the default group information, press the [Done] button and accept the changes.
Shadow Group Properties
You can set any of the below items when copying a shadow stock code.
- Discount
- Alternative Suppliers
- Stock Group
- Stock Analysis Codes
- V.A.T. rate
- Cost Centre
- Attributes
Use the "Stock Control" -> "Maintenance Options" -> "Shadow File Maintenance" -> "Re-Sync Stock & Shadow" to impose any new group defaults onto existing Stock Codes.