How do I find un-invoiced workshop jobs?

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This article will describe how you can search the Workshop in order to find any un-Invoiced items on that may be left on any jobs. This is important to ensure all items booked out of stock are invoiced for.

More Information

In order to Search jobs for un-invoiced items you will need to run a standard workshop report.

To do this you will need to go to: "Workshop System" -> "Job Reports" -> "Job Reports" -> "Job Reports".

Setting the Reports Search Criteria

Once here you will need to set the search criteria for the report. To do this go to: "Set Report Range". Enter in information that you wish the report on these are as follows:

Enable you to specify a particular job Depot, If you have multiple depots set-up. If you wish to search all depots leave this field 'Blank'. The Default Depot code will be displayed here.
"From Job No:"
Allows you to specify the job number from which the report will start to run from. Leaving this Blank means the report will start from the first job number.
Allows you to specify the job number to which the report will run to. Leaving this blank will result in the report running to the last job number.
"From Start Date:"/"To:"
Allows you to specify a date range for the report to run looking at the date at which the jobs are due to be started. Any Jobs outside this date range will be ignored in the report. If these dates are left as '00/00/0000' it will disable this particular search criteria.
"From Job Status:"/"To:"
Allows you to specify a range of job statuses. If you want to specify only one job status then enter this status in both fields. Leaving these fields blank will result in the report running for all Jobs regardless of the status.
"From Due Date:"/"To:"
Allows you to specify a date range for the report to run looking at the date at which the jobs are due to be Completed. Any Jobs outside this date range will be ignored in the report. If these dates are left as '00/00/0000' it will disable this particular search criteria.
"From Account:"/"A/C"/"To:" 
"A/C" - Allows you to specify an "ccount" or "ontact" Range for the customers. Simply enter in either the customers account or contact in these fields. Any Account outside this range will be excluded in the report. If you leave these fields blank the report will search all accounts and all contacts.
"From Category:"/"To:"
Allows you to specify the job category. entering the same Category for both fields only searches that category. Entering a range means the report will ignore all categories outside the range. Finally leaving this blank will mean the report will search all categories.

Once all of the fields have been entered that you want the report to run you will need to press <Esc>.

Remember: Leaving all these Fields as blank will result in the report running without any search criteria.

Finding Un-invoiced Items

As we are searching for un-invoiced items within the workshop, it may be beneficial to ignore the step above if you are wanting to find literally any item that has not been invoiced off in the workshops history.

  • The report that we are wanting to run is the "Summary Report". Select this report as it will easily show what workshop jobs have items remaining on them that have not been invoiced off.

Workshop Summary Report Explained

The report is broken down into five columns so that you can quickly and easily discover jobs that have items on the which has not been invoiced.

"Job No."
Simply shows the workshop job number, the report is listed in Job number order. This is one of the most important columns in the list as the job number you will need to go to in order to invoice of any items.
Is the name of the customer that the workshop is for it will be this customer that will eventually get invoiced for any items outstanding.
Is the total value for the items (including Labour) on the workshop job.
Is the total value of items that has been invoiced off on the workshop job.
Is the most important column in the report as it is this column that indicates if there is any un-invoiced items on the workshop and it tells you how much the value of the items that needs to be invoiced off.
It is a bad thing to have items on a workshop job that is not invoiced of if the work and the job has been completed. It is of importance that this report is ran regularly to avoid any lost revenue, that has already been earned!

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Un-Invoiced, Uninvoiced, Un-paid, Report, Job, Invoice, Paid, Workshop, Find, Search