How do I create a warranty account?

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Revision as of 17:16, 19 May 2009 by Les Ward (talk | contribs) (More Information)
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The following article shows the preferred method for setting up a Warranty Account from within Platinum.

More Information

Go to "Accounts" -> "Sales Ledger" -> "Customer File Maintenance" -> "Add or Edit Customers", and for "Search on:", type the word 'Warranty' and press <F6> to create a new account.


  • Fill out all the relevant contact details for the warranty account.


  • Click the <Invoicing> tab.
"Centre Modifier"
Type 'W' and then press <Enter>and then press <Enter> on the warning message that is displayed.
"V.A.T. rate:"
Set to the Exempt Rate set for your system.
"Payment Centre:"
Get the cursor in the Ledger Centre field and press <Ctrl+F1> to bring up a search box, and then type 'warranty' and press <Enter>. Select the one entitled "Warranty Control". If one doesn't exist, contact your Accounts Department and ask that they create one for you.
"Cash Sale:"
Set this 'No', that way, when you invoice out to the Warranty Account from the Workshop, they will sit as a Debtor and make pulling off a Warranty Debtors list more straight forward.
Set this to 'Yes' (Transactions to internal accounts are considered "Outside the Scope" for V.A.T. purposes and will not appear on your VAT100 report).


  • Click <Groups/Analysis> tab.
Type 'WAR'. Once again, this will aid you for reporting purposes.


  • Finally, click the <Workshop> tab.
"Labour Rate:"
Enter in the default Labour Rate for Internal work.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Creating warranty accounts