How do I create a nominal code?
From Catalyst
The following article explains how to set-up a new Nominal Centre.
More Information
Get into "Nominal Ledger" -> "Maintenance Options" -> "Centre Maintenance" -> "Insert/Amend/Delete Centres".
- First of all, perform a search to check that the code you wish to create does not already exist.
- Locate a suitable section within your Nominal Structure for your new code.
- Click [Add].
- In the Code Box, type in the new Nominal Code you require and press <Enter>
- Type in a suitable description.
- Choose whether the code is a Balance Sheet or Profit & Loss Centre and indicate the relevant flag as necessary.
- If this centre is to be reconciled (e.g., it's a bank account or any other centre that needs to be reconciled through the Bank Reconciliation) then place a tick in the "Reconciled?" box.
- Choose [Done] and [Accept].