Quickbooks Integration Details

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We have a document export hub which can handle exporting out customers, invoices and payments. This produces CSV files and adheres to Quickbooks template formats for importing.

You will need the Document Export module in order to export transactions from Platinum. Please Contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website sales contact page for more information.


Go to " " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Module Settings" Document Exports Data Export Settings"

  • Select the [Quickbooks] tab.
  • At "Enabled" select 'Yes'.
Once this option has been enabled, each time you use the export option those transactions are flagged as having been exported. This ensures only new transactions are included in subsequent export files thus avoiding duplicating data.
  • You have tWO settings to specify the reports which are to be used in each case.
    • The "Customer Report" is required to output the customers for whom transactions have been identified. The standard report code is '~QA'.
    • The "Transaction report" is mandatory, and is used to output the transactions i.e. invoices and credits. The standard report code is '~QT' to output a single line per item on the document.
The standard reports may be replaced by customised reports to meet the requirements of the customer. Please Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for advice as a customised report may be chargeable


To put the Document Export - Hub option on a custom menu, the program to specify is 'SXPDX99'.

Customer Settings

If have already created a customer within Quickbooks, you should create the Platinum account to match the same name. Quickbooks does not utilise account codes and matches on the Name field within Platinum.

If the name does not match, then Quickbooks will create a new customer record with that name.

Exporting Data to Quickbooks Using the Hub

Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options Document Export - Hub".

  • The drop down menu will default to current transactions, i.e. transactions created since the last export file was created - up to yesterday's date.
  • Click [Preview].

The transactions for the period are listed on screen. Check the data shown as these details will be loaded into Quickbooks.

    • If you need to make changes to the data shown, e.g. to amend the customer reference field, click [Cancel]. Make your changes and repeat the steps above.
  • If the report is satisfactory, click [Confirm].
  • Click [Yes] to confirm you wish to proceed. This will not automatically import the data into Quickbooks.
The transactions will be logged as having been exported to prevent them being included in the next export.
  • Typically two files are created: 'qcus.CSV' - containing customers and 'sxdxqbkst.CSV' - containing transactions. The relevant files will be created within the '<Platinum Installation Drive>\SX\SXCO *Company Data Folder* \EXPORT' folder.
  • You may now proceed into Quickbooks to import the Customer and Transaction files.
  • WARNING - It is VITAL that the 'sxdxqbkst.csv' file is only imported ONCE. If the import is run with the same file more than once, the transactions can be duplicated. This can be avoided by deleting or archiving the previously imported file.

Exporting Data to Quickbooks Using Manual Reports

If this is the method you're using, then PSG should have set up a Custom Menu for the suite of reports.
All the relevant files will be created within the '<Platinum Installation Drive>\SX\SXCO *Company Data Folder* \EXPORT' folder.
  • 'qcus.CSV'
  • 'QBInvoices.CSV'
  • 'QBCredits.CSV'

There are three reports that need running from Platinum with the menu names below.

  • Quickbooks - Sales Ledger Accounts

This will import in the accounts in Platinum to Quickbooks and fill in any account information that is missing from Quickbooks.

  • Quickbooks - Transactions CUST

This will import in the transactions related to the customer account. If the account has not been created in quickbooks. Then account reference will be imported, if the account reference is not against a customer record then the account code will be used.

  • Quickbooks - Credits CUST

This will import in the credits related to the customer account. If the account has not been created in quickbooks. Then account reference will be imported, if the account reference is not against a customer record then the account code will be used.

Importing into Quickbooks

Please contact your Quickbooks support provider for guidance on importing the data, contained in the export files, into the Quickbook system.

Based on our limited knowledge of the Quickbooks product: When importing into Quickbooks you should always import the Customer (Customer Records) file followed by the Transaction (Audit Trail Transactions) File. This ensures any new customer records are created prior to importing transactions.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
accounts, xero, export, import, hub, document hub