How do I take a payment on a credit card?

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It is easy to take credit card payments directly in Platinum once you have the appropriate Platinum module and third-party credit card processing software installed.

Please Contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website sales contact page for more information.

For Customer Present transactions you must have a card machine per terminal on which you intend to take payments. Customer Not Present (CNP) can be processed on specific or multiple terminals however you must have requested this additional service option from your card provider.

More Information

The function to call the credit card software can be found on the relevant " Payments" screen including:

  • Payment screen from any invoicing program
  • Deposit screen
  • Sales Ledger Receipts

Click on the credit card payment method or enter your credit card nominal centre e.g. 'Z902'.

  • Press <F3>.
  • Select "Cardholder present" or 'Cardholder not present'. If only CNP is available you may only be given the 'Cardholder not present' option.
  • Check the payment amount.
  • For "Cardholder present", click [Submit].
    • This launches the credit card processing software and prompts for the user to insert their card and to enter their pin number or tap their card against the terminal for contactless payment.
    • The transaction and credit card details will now be sent to the credit card processing software for authorisation.
    • After processing, the credit card software will return to Platinum the result of the authorisation, which will be displayed in a message box.
  • The card device will ask you if you would like to print out a payment receipt for the merchant and then will ask you if you want a reprint for the customer, if required for customer click [Re-print] or you can email the receipt.
  • For 'Cardholder not present', enter the required details in the boxes provided then click [Submit].
    • This launches the credit card processing software.
    • The transaction and credit card details will now be sent to the credit card processing software for authorisation.
    • After processing, the credit card software will return to Platinum the result of the authorisation, which will be displayed in a message box.
  • The card device will print out a payment receipt for the merchant and then will ask you if you want a reprint for the customer, if required for customer click [Re-print].


When Platinum links with the credit card processing software, there are two stages: sending the request and receiving the response.

You may cancel the payment by clicking [Quit] before Platinum has finished sending the request, but once Platinum is waiting for the response, the payment cannot be cancelled.

After waiting a reasonable amount of time, Platinum will let you stop waiting for the response, but this will not stop the payment. You should do this only if there is a problem caused by the credit card software not being installed or functioning correctly.

If you choose to cancel you will need to select an alternative payment method. If you wish to retry the credit card payment you will need to back out of the payment screen completely and process the invoice again.

Refunding CNP

When processing a CNP refund within Platinum, you must credit the original invoice to allow the payment details to be obtained for the refund.

  • From the Stock Control module you may use the option to [Credit a previous sale].
  • From the Workshop module you should credit the jobcard that had been invoiced to ensure the system is able to retrieve the original payment details.
  • From the Unit Sales system you should use the option to credit a deal to be able to refund any final payments. Refunding deposits should be done through the unit deposits option.

You cannot create a manual credit within Platinum with the intention of using CNP as Fiserv have a restriction on this to prevent fraud.

You cannot refund more than was taken on the original payment.

CNP without Linking to Platinum

If you have not chosen to have the CNP link to Platinum you may use the option on your card machine to process a CNP payment. In this case you should process your payment in Platinum as usual, selecting your credit card centre as the payment method. DO NOT press <F3> to call the card machine.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
visa, amex, mastercard, debit card, credit card payments, chip+pin, authorisation, tns, fiserv, clover

PL04, SL04