How do I make a private appointment?

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Sometimes it is necessary to make an appointment 'private' so that only you can read, amend or delete it. You may also choose to make it available to select other users, as members of a "Privacy Group".

More Information

Go to " Personnel Planning Diary Entries" and select the appointment you want to make private.

  • Select the "Private" check box to make the current appointment 'private'.
  • If you wish to restrict access to a given "Privacy Group", enter the group code to the right.
  • Click [Done] to save the changes to the diary entry.
Leavers - If an employee leaves and their user record made inactive, then their private appointments become visible to any member of staff with a higher security rating than they had when they were 'active'.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
private, appointment, priv, privacy