Dealing with "Record in Use" message

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This article will explain the message "The record you requested is currently in use" and how to deal with this.

More Information

If you try to enter a record in platinum which is in use by another user you may see the following message:

The record you requested in currently in use. You
will be able to use this record when it becomes

You may press any (or the Quit button) to
discontinue waiting.

This record is use by user JOE BLOGGS, at station

You have the option to [Quit] and do something else or you can wait and as soon as the record becomes free then you will be allowed to continue.

Why is a record locked?

Certain records are locked whilst in use due to the need to record changes before another user can access the file e.g. a Stock Code, Customer, Jobcard etc.

How do I clear the record?

Wait for the user who is in the record to come out of it then you will be able to use it. However if the user is not actually in the record e.g. they had an issue with their PC leaving them logged in to Platinum, you may need to manually clear the record.

Go to " User Monitor" or " Maintenance User Monitor Screen".

  • Wait for a moment for the list of users to be displayed then click [Close].
  • You do not need to do anything here but the process of going into the screen allows the system to safely close any non-genuine users.
Users who are genuinely logged in to the system will show on screen and will not be removed by viewing this screen.
If a user is highlighted it will be at a critical stage e.g. saving an invoice to file or running a management report. These records will not clear automatically. If you are left with a critical user please see How do I clear Highlighted Locked Users? and Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for advice.
For users of the Logistics Management system you have an additional screen to clear locked tickets - see How do I Unlock My Logistics Jobs?.

What to do if the record remains in use

If you have carried out the above process then it is possible your server is holding onto a record.

  • If you have a maintenance contract please Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for assistance else contact your IT support to ask them to check for locked files and dead sessions.
  • If the record remains in use but shows the user is no longer connected please Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for advice.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
locked, user, record, requested, use, currently, in use