How do I configure unit purchase order processing?

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This article explains how to configure your unit purchase order processing system. Once configured you should not need to amend these settings.

More Information

You may configure the order type and specify statuses to be applied to your unit records as they move through the order process.

Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Module Settings"


  • Scroll down the screen to "Links - Purchase Order Processing".
  • Select "Purchase order type" and click [Edit].
  • Choose the order type to use for unit orders. Usually type 1 will require an order to be Printed, Received and Invoiced before it is considered fully processed. Follow this article to check or create an order type.
  • Click [Done].
  • Select "Print order automatically" and choose 'Yes/No'.
This setting only applies to orders created from within the [Purchase] tab of a unit record. The order form is a unit report which may differ from the order form produced direct from Unit Purchase Order Processing. You may set this to No and choose to print/email your order when processing the unit order.
  • Click [Done].
  • Select "Automatic purchase ordering" and choose 'Yes' if you wish to check and be prompted to order units when creating Unit Sales Orders for customers. You may still create orders from a unit record or via Unit Purchase Order Processing without enabling this setting.
  • Click [Done].

Unit Status Codes

Assign the additional statuses required to track unit records through the ordering process. This will ensure the nominal postings are made at the appropriate times. It is important to ensure the In Stock setting for each status is correct.

You may need to create additional status codes to assign to the new settings. If you choose to use existing status codes please check the settings as per the instructions below.
  • "On purchase order status" - click [Edit].
  • Click the drop down to view available statuses e.g. On Factory Order.
  • Click [Edit] on the status to use and check that the 'In Stock' flag on the [Settings] tab is set to No.
You will be unable to amend this setting once the status has been assigned to a unit.
    • To add a new status click [Add]. Enter a 3 character code and description and ensure that the 'In Stock' flag on the [Settings] tab is set to No.
  • Click [Done] once you have selected a suitable status to use.
  • "On sales & on purchase order status" - click [Edit].
  • Click the drop down to view available statuses. You will most likely need to create a new status for this new setting.
    • To add a new status click [Add]. Enter a 3 character code and description and ensure that the 'In Stock' flag on the [Settings] tab is set to No.
  • Click [Done] once you have selected a suitable status to use.
  • "Unit sold & on purchase order status" - click [Edit].
  • Click the drop down to view available statuses. You will most likely need to create a new status for this new setting.
    • To add a new status click [Add]. Enter a 3 character code and description and ensure that the 'In Stock' flag on the [Settings] tab is set to No.
  • Click [Done] once you have selected a suitable status to use.

Having checked the above settings click [Done] and [Accept] the system changes.

Default Print Records for Unit Ordering

To specify the print record to use for Unit Purchase Orders and Goods Received Notes:

  • Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Security & Print Configuration".
    • Arrow key down until your cursor is on the far left of the screen.
    • Enter 'PO06' - 'Unit Purchase Order Processing'
    • Press <Tab> to move across to the "Print Record" columns.
    • Under column "01" enter the print record number to use when printing purchase orders e.g. 90 or 91 and under column "02" enter the print record number to use when printing goods received notes e.g. 01 or 92 . You may press <Ctrl+F1> to search for a record.
  • Press <Esc>.

Deferred Profit

You may also choose to defer the sale and cost of sale postings for units which are sold before they are received into stock. This is a common requirement for deals which are invoiced well in advance of being issued to the customer e.g. Combine Harvesters. Please see Deferred profit for unit sales for further instructions.

Automatic Cost of Sales

The unit status settings should be configured regardless of your accounting basis. The status fields are of particular importance when using automatic cost of sales for units. As a unit moves through the ordering process the status will define the point at which nominal postings take place to bring the unit into and out of stock.

Within the " " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Module Settings" Unit Sales Module Settings""Search" for 'Update'. "Update cost of sales" will be set to 'Yes' if your system is on automatic cost of sales. Please Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for advice if you have any questions about this method of accounting.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
unit order, vehicle order, purchase, grn, status, factory order, sales order, deferred, on order, automatic cost of sales
