How do I process a unit purchase order?

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This article explains how to process a unit purchase order.

More Information

When a unit arrives into stock you should receive the order item and produce a goods received note. You should also allocate your invoice to the order via Purchase Ledger postings.

If you do not have the Purchase Ledger module authorised you may allocate the invoice directly from the order.

Receiving a Unit

Go to " Unit Sales Unit Purchase Order Processing"

  • Enter the supplier account code, or search for the supplier.
To search for an order click [Advanced]. Enter the reference attached to the unit/units or click [Item filter] and specify the "Model" or "Manufacturer" to search for. Click [Search].
  • Select the order to receive and click [Edit] or press <F7>.
  • On the [Items] tab check the details of the item to receive into stock.
    • Update the "Price" if necessary.

Non stock units

    • Enter any additional information e.g. "Chassis" or "Colour".
    • Click [Edit] or press <F5> to amend additional fields such as "Unit type" then click [Done] and [Accept] any changes in this screen.

Stock units

To amend any fields on a stock unit press <Shift+F10> on the "Stock No." and make the changes to the unit record e.g. "Chassis" or "Colour".

  • Click [Done] and [Accept] to return to the purchase order

Print Goods Received Note

  • Make sure your cursor is on the far left of your screen then click [Tag].
  • Click [Receive] or press <F4>.
  • If prompted, select [Tagged items] and click [Receive].
  • Click [Receive].
  • If the item was a non stock unit, the system will now create a stock record using the next available stock number. Click [Done].
The unit record will be assigned the relevant unit status and, for automatic cost of sales systems, any associated nominal postings will be made. The unit status will depend on whether the unit has been ordered for stock or in relation to an associated customer sales order. See Deferred profit for unit sales for the postings relating to advance unit sales, if configured.
The [Purchase] tab of the unit will be updated to show the date received and user who booked the item into stock.

Allocating a Purchase Invoice

This process should be carried out by your accounts department.

  • Post the unit purchase invoice as usual.
  • Once accepted you will be taken to [Purchase Order Invoice Allocation].
  • Select the order to allocate the invoice to.
Please be aware you will see all outstanding orders for the supplier, including parts orders.
To search for an order click [Advanced]. Click [Item filter] and specify the "Model" or "Manufacturer" to search for. Click [Search].
  • Click [Edit] to select the order.
  • On the [Items] tab check that the price of the unit agrees to the invoice.
  • If your user security allows, amend the "Price" to agree to the invoice and press <Enter>.
    • If the invoice you have received is not in your base currency, press <Alt-E> to use the currency converter function. Convert the price of the unit in currency to your base currency at the system rate or session rate, if specified. Click [Choose].
All values in Platinum should be in your base currency.
The unit record and nominal ledger will be updated with any amendments to the price of the received item.
  • Make sure your cursor is on the far left of the screen and click [Tag].
  • The "Unallocated" amount in the top right of your screen should return to 0.00 when you have fully allocated your invoice to the units received into stock.
    • If the invoice spans multiple orders you should click [Done] to exit each order and return to the order selection screen. Repeat the process to fully allocate the invoice to the units.
  • Once you have fully allocated the invoice, press {{KeyPress|F8} or click [Invoiced].
  • The unit will be removed from the order as it has now been fully processed.
The [Purchase] tab of the unit will be updated to show the invoice information i.e. Date, Invoice Number, Comment and Amount. The order details will also show the date invoiced and user who allocated the invoice.

Allocating an Invoice Directly

If you do not have the Purchase Ledger module authorised:

Go to " Unit Sales Unit Purchase Order Processing"

  • Enter the supplier account code, or search for the supplier.
  • Select the order to allocate the invoice to.
To search for an order click [Advanced]. Click [Item filter] and specify the "Model" or "Manufacturer" to search for. Click [Search].
  • Click [Edit] to select the order.
  • On the [Items] tab check that the price of the unit agrees to the invoice.
  • If your user security allows, amend the "Price" to agree to the invoice and press <Enter>.
    • If the invoice you have received is not in your base currency, press <Alt-E> to use the currency converter function. Convert the price of the unit in currency to your base currency at the system rate or session rate, if specified. Click [Choose].
All values in Platinum should be in your base currency.
The unit record will be updated with any amendments to the price of the received item.
  • Make sure your cursor is on the far left of the screen and click [Tag].
  • Press <F8> or click [Invoiced].
  • Click [Accept] and enter the Invoice number.
  • Click [OK].
  • The unit will be removed from the order as it has now been fully processed.
  • If the invoice spans multiple orders you should [Edit] each order and repeat the process to check each item to ensure they agree to the invoice.
  • Click [Close] to exit.
The Invoice details on the [Purchase] tab of the unit will not be updated as this process is only linked to the Purchase Ledger posting option. You are advised to manually edit the unit record to ensure you enter the [Purchase] details such as Invoice Date, Number and Comment.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
unit order, vehicle order, purchase, grn, status, factory order, sales order, deferred, on order, automatic cost of sales
