How do I create a unit purchase order?

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Unit Purchase Orders may be created from the [Purchase] tab of a unit record or directly via Unit Purchase Order Processing.

Please see How do I configure unit purchase order processing? to ensure your system is correctly configured to suit your business.

To create an order whilst raising a Unit Sales Order please see this article.

More Information

Orders may be created for both stock and non-stock units. Non-stock units will be assigned a stock number during the Unit Received process.

Via a Unit Record

  • Create a unit record following these instructions: Creating a new unit or Creating a used unit.
  • When on the [Purchase] tab make sure the "Supplier" has been specified or search for the account code.
  • Ensure a nett "Purchase Price" has been entered, if known.
  • Click into the "Purchase Order" field.
  • Press <F4>.


  • "Order to use" will default to creating a 'New' order.
    • You may choose to add the unit to an 'Open'order i.e. one not yet printed/received
    • Alternatively click 'Choose' to select from orders already in progress for the specified supplier.
      Please ensure you do not add a unit to an order which has already been submitted to a supplier to avoid overlooking an item to be ordered.
  • Enter the "Supplier order" number if known. You may add this to the order at a later stage.
  • You may enter a "Reference" for the unit being ordered e.g. a customer name or salesperson name. The reference will print on the goods received note when booking the unit into stock and can be used in the order search to track order items.
  • The "Cost" will use the value entered into the "Purchase amount" field.
  • You may specify a "Due Date" which will be noted on the order.
  • Click [Order] and [OK] to create the order.
  • If configured to do so, your system will print a purchase order. Please note this may differ from the layout used by Unit Purchase Order Processing.
The order form produced from within the unit is a standard issued report. Customisation of this form may be chargeable. Please Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for advice.
  • Click [Done] and [Accept] the unit record.
If you wish to print the order from within Unit Purchase Order Processing see Print Purchase Order.

Via Unit Purchase Order Processing

Go to " Unit Sales Unit Purchase Order Processing"

  • Enter the supplier account code, or search for the supplier.
  • If there are no outstanding orders a new order will be created else click [Add].


  • The system will generate a unique order number for you. Press <Enter>.
  • Enter your supplier's order number at "Supp. order no".
  • If the unit is to be delivered to an alternative location you may specify a delivery name and address or press <Ctrl+F1> to select a customer to deliver to.
You may enter "Order notes". The first 5 lines of order notes will be printed on the bottom of the purchase order.


This process explains how to create an order for a unit prior to creating a unit record.

  • Enter the "Model Code" to order.
    • You may press <Ctrl+F1> to search through existing models or press <Shift+F10> to add a new model record.
  • The model "Description" will be populated from the Model Code. You may overtype the details for this order item (max 4 rows of 40 characters).
  • Enter the nett purchase "Price" for the unit.
  • Click into the "Discount" field if you have a discount to apply to the item.
  • The "Stock No." will be assigned when the item is received during the processing stage.
  • By scrolling across the screen you may enter selected pieces of information in the available fields e.g. "Colour".
    • Alternatively click [Edit] or press <F5> to edit additional fields e.g. "Due Date", "Unit Type" or to add a reference for the unit being ordered e.g. a customer name or salesperson name. The reference will print on the goods received note when booking the unit into stock and can be used in the order search to track order items.
    • Click [Done] and [Accept] to return to the [Items] tab.
  • You may add additional units to the order else follow the steps below to print the order.
When the order is processed and received into stock a unit record will be created and the "Stock No." assigned to the order item.
If you wish to create an order for an existing stock record, click into the "Stock No." field and enter the unit number or press <Ctrl+F1> to search for the record. To amend item details such as "Colour" or "Unit type" please amend the actual unit record. You may press <Shift+F10> on the "Stock No." field to make changes without exiting the order.
Please note the system will change the unit status to the most suitable Unit on order status based on the system settings. This may also affect your nominal ledger if the unit status changes to a non-stock status.

Print Purchase Order

  • Ensure your cursor is on the far left of the order items.
  • If you have more than one unit in the order click [Auto] to tag all units to be ordered else click [Tag].
  • The order will print to your default print record.
If you wish to choose a specific print record press Alt-P and enter the record to use e.g. 91 to email the order to the supplier or 92 to produce a pdf.
  • Click the [Printer] icon or press <F3> to print the order.
  • Click [Close] to exit and save the order.
