How do I amend credit charges per customer?
To configure your Platinum system to apply credit charges automatically to invoices, please see How do I deal with credit charges?. You may then amend the settings per customer following the steps below.
Amend an Individual Customer Account
Go to " Sales Ledger Customer File Maintenance Add or Edit Customers".
- Enter the customer name and click [Search].
- Select their account and click [Edit].
- Select the [Credit Charges] tab.
- You will see a table with the various modules to which credit charges can be applied.
- "SL" - Credit charges will be applied to invoices raised in " Invoices & Credit Notes" in Sales Ledger.
- "SO" - Credit charges will be applied to invoices raised in Sales Order Processing.
- "ST" - Credit charges will be applied to invoices raised in Stock Control.
- "VS" - Credit charges will be applied to invoices raised in Unit Sales.
- "WS" - Credit charges will be applied to invoices raised in Workshop.
Disable Charges
Select 'No' from the "Charge" drop down menu.
Amend Charges
If "Charge" is set to 'Yes', you will be able to amend the settings for that module.
- At the "% Charge", enter the percentage you want to charge.
- At the "Gross/Nett", set this to how you want the Charge applied either to the 'Nett' value of the invoice or to the 'Gross' value of the invoice.
- At the "Period", set the period after which you want the charge to apply. This can be either Days, Weeks or Month End and this will be set in the "Increments" setting.
- At the "Increments", choose between 'Days', 'Months' or 'Month End'.
- At the "Recurring", set this to 'No' if you only want the charge to be applied once or to 'Yes' if you want the charge to be applied on a recurring basis. If set to 'Yes', then this will use the settings that you set in "Period" and "Increment" to decide when the charge will be applied next.
- At "Interest", you can choose 'Simple' which will calculate the recurring interest on the original value of the invoice, or 'Compound' which will calculate the recurring interest on the original value plus the unpaid credit charges.
Click [Done] and [Accept] the changes.
See also