How do I import stock into Shopify?

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Revision as of 16:46, 14 January 2021 by Katy Kitchen (talk | contribs) (Shopify Process)
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This article explains how to export stock items from Platinum to eBay using shopify's 'CSV File Import'. Please Contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website sales contact page if you wish to use this option.

Shopify Process

The export routine will create a file containing your products, along with a template containing specific details specified by Shopify. We have auto populated these fields with the title as specified by Shopify.

To add additional details per product you will need to amend the CSV file prior to uploading to Shopify.

Care must be taken when using an editor to avoid changing key information such as product codes.

The required details vary depending on the Shopify Template.

Please follow the links to view an example template.

Creating the Export Files

  • We will create a menu option which will produce a CSV file in a desired location.

Uploading the Export Files to Shopify

  • Go to your stock list and click on the import button. From there you can "drag and drop" the CSV file in.
  • Shopify has an import routine where you can map the columns from the CSV and link it to what heading you wish to use for it.