How do I Get my Logo onto Printed Documents?

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This article explains how to print your company logo\letterhead onto your Platinum documents. It also outlines the exact image names and sizes required and how this feature can be implemented.

Your Platinum system and its documents must be up to date enough to enable you to add these images.

More Information

It is possible to have your own company Logo printed on your external documentation.

Are my Platinum Documents up to Date Enough?

Are my Invoicing Documents up to Date Enough?

If when you print invoices or credit notes, your company name and address is shown with a shaded area in the background, your documents can print your own logo with little or no amendment.

Contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website sales contact page if your Platinum Documents do not include this shaded area, and they will be happy to quote you for the required configuration changes.

Is my Platinum Receipt Printing System up to Date Enough?

If you have a thermal slip printer purchased from us (usually a Samsung SRP-350+ Printer), your system is up to date enough to include logos on your slip prints.

Adding a Logo to Full Size Documents

It is possible to print your company logo onto all your full size documents.

The image must follow the specification below:

  • It MUST be saved in '.PNG' format.
  • It MUST have a name of 'NAMEADD.PNG'.
  • It MUST be of the following image size, '1467' pixels wide by '393' pixels high.
  • It should include at least your company's logo, name, address and any contact details (telephone number, fax number, email and website).
You can use the file in your Platinum Data folder called 'DEFNAMEADD.PNG' as a template as this is the correct size for the image, but be careful not to overwrite it.

Once you have created the file to the specification above, save it to your Platinum installation drive and into the relevant company folder.

If you have multiple sites you may wish to create individual logos with the contact information specific to each site. In addition to 'NAMEADD.PNG' you will need to save the site specific images as the site code plus 'NAMEADD.PNG' e.g. '001NAMEADD.PNG'.

Adding a Watermark to Full Size Documents

It is possible to print a watermark onto all your full size documents.

The image must follow the specification below:

  • It MUST be saved in '.PNG' format.
  • It MUST have a name of 'WATER.PNG'.
  • It MUST be of the following image size, '2236' pixels wide by '2638' pixels high.
  • This can include a footer at the bottom of the image should you require it.

Once you have created the file to the specification above, save it to your Platinum installation drive and into the relevant company folder.


Your watermark will now appear on your printouts.

Adding a Single Footer to Full Size Documents

It is possible to print a single footer image onto the bottom of all your full size documents.

The image must follow the specification below:

  • It MUST be saved in '.PNG' format.
  • It MUST have names of 'FULLFOOT.PNG'
  • It MUST be of the following image size, '1260' pixels wide by '126' pixels high.

Once you have created the file to the specification above, save it to your Platinum installation drive and into the relevant company folder.


Your footers will now appear on your printouts.

If you have multiple sites you may wish to create individual footers with the information specific to each site. In addition to 'FULLFOOT.PNG' you will need to save the site specific images as the site code plus 'FULLFOOT.PNG' e.g. '001FULLFOOT.PNG'.

Adding Multiple Footers to Full Size Documents

It is possible to print up to 5 separate footer images onto the bottom of all your full size documents.

The images must follow the specification below:

  • It MUST be saved in '.PNG' format.
  • It MUST have names of 'FOOT1.PNG' (Leftmost footer), 'FOOT2.PNG' (2nd from Left), 'FOOT3.PNG' (middle logo), 'FOOT4.PNG' (2nd from right), 'FOOT5.PNG' (Rightmost footer).
  • It MUST be of the following image size, '300' pixels wide by '300' pixels high.

Once you have created the files to the specification above, save them to your Platinum installation drive and into the relevant company folder.


Your footers will now appear on your printouts.

Adding a Logo to your Reports

It is possible to display your company logo in the top right hand corner of all your report printouts.

The image must follow the specification below:

  • It MUST be saved in '.PNG' format.
  • It MUST have a name of 'HeaderR.PNG'.
  • It MUST be of the following image size, '300' pixels wide by '114' pixels high.
  • It should include at least your company's logo.
You can use the file in your Platinum data folder called 'HeaderL.PNG' as a template as this is the correct size for the image, but be careful not to overwrite it.

Once you have created the file to the specification above, save it to your Platinum installation drive and into the relevant company folder.


Your logo will now appear at the top of all your report prints.

This logo will also appear that the top of your Platinum screen next time you log in.

Adding a Logo to Receipt Prints

It is possible to print your company logo onto all your Platinum produced slip prints\till receipts.

For the image to appear at the top of receipt prints, it must follow the specification below:

  • It MUST be saved in '.PNG' format.
  • It MUST have a name of 'SLIP.PNG'.
  • It MUST be of the following image size, '568' pixels wide by '158' pixels high.
  • It should ideally be a black and white image (Not gray scale).
  • It should include your company's logo.

Once you have created the file to the specification above, save it to your Platinum installation drive and into the relevant company folder.


Your logo will now appear on your receipts.

Adding a Signature to Letters produced by Platinum

It is possible to print a signature on the letters produced by your Platinum system.

MOT\Service reminders via the retention centre.

For the image to appear in your letters produced by Platinum, it must follow the specification below:

  • It MUST be saved in '.PNG' format.
  • It MUST have a name of 'SIGN.PNG'.
  • It MUST be of the following image size, '700' pixels wide by '566' pixels high.
  • It should ideally be a black and white image (Not gray scale).
  • The signature should ideally be in black with a white background for best results.

Once you have created the file to the specification above, save it to your Platinum installation drive and into the relevant company folder.


Your logo will now appear on the various letters produced by Platinum.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
logo, letterhead, footer, foot, footers, watermark, company, image, graphics, graphic, branding, invoices, receipts, document, documents, nameadd, sign, water, filecopy, fullfoot, images, header