How do I Print a Ledger Listing?

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The following article explains how to print a Sales or Purchase Ledger listing. This will give you a printed history of the account that will show all the transactions that you can view in the Customer or Supplier History option.

Alternatively you may wish to print a Nominal Ledger listing. This report will list all nominal transactions per centre for the given period. Be warned this may be a very large printout so you are advised to choose a PDF print output.

More Information

Sales Ledger Listing

Go to " Sales Ledger Sales Reports Ledger Listing".

  • If you wish to print transactions up to the end of the current financial period, leave the "Transactions" option set to 'Current'. To print all transactions, set 'Transactions' to 'All'.
  • In the "From customer" field, enter the customer code for whom you want to print the history and press <Enter>. This will put the same customer in the "To customer" field.
    • If you want to print the history of all accounts, leave both of these fields blank.
    • If you want to print the history for a range of customers, enter the first customer in the "From customer" field and the last customer in the "To customer" field.
    • If you want to print the history for customers in an Account Group, enter this in the "From group" field and the "To group" field.
  • Click [Print] to print the transactions.

Purchase Ledger Listing

Go to " Purchase Ledger Purchase Reports Ledger Listing".

  • If you wish to print transactions up to the end of the current financial period, leave the "Transactions" option set to 'Current'. To print all transactions set 'Transactions' to 'All'.
  • In the "From supplier" field, enter the supplier code for whom you want to print the history and press <Enter>. This will put the same supplier in the "To supplier" field.
    • If you want to print the history of all accounts, leave both of these fields blank.
    • If you want to print the history for a range of suppliers, enter the first supplier in the "From supplier" field and the last supplier in the "To supplier" field.
    • If you want to print the history for suppliers in an Account Group, enter this in the "From group" field and the "To group" field.
  • Click [Print] to print the transactions.

Nominal Ledger Listing

Go to " Nominal Ledger Nominal Reports Nominal Ledger Listing".

  • If you wish to print transactions for the current financial period, leave the date range as it is.
    • To print a range of transactions enter the date range to suit.
  • You may also specify a centre, range of centres or type of centre using the "P&L or B/S" dropdown.
  • Prior to clicking [Report], press <Alt+P> and choose your PDF printer e.g. '92'.
  • Save the pdf document into a suitable location.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
customer, supplier, history, document, transaction, ledger, listing, nominal listing