How do I authorise and make bulk supplier payments?

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This article explains how to set up and use " Bulk Payments" on the Purchase Ledger.

More Information

This option can be used to bulk pay suppliers. You have the option to authorise items to be paid first or simply pay in bulk without prior authorisation. You may also configure a report to print once the payments have been posted.


If you wish to control which users can authorise and pay authorised items you will need some initial configuration:

Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Security & Print Configuration".

  • Press the <Down Arrow> key until you reach the bottom of the listed programs and your cursor moves to the left of the screen.
  • Enter 'PL16' and press <Enter>.
  • At "Mask No", enter '2' - this will usually be the option for 'Purchase' - see the top right hand side of your screen to check this is the text displayed. If not please Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for advice.
  • At "Security", enter 0.
  • Press <Esc>.

Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Platinum Settings".

  • At "Search on", enter 'Authorise' and click [Search].
  • Select "Authorise purchase ledger payments" and select 'Security Level 9' from the drop down then click [Done].
  • Click [Done] and [Accept].

Go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Add or Edit Users".

  • Select the relevant user who may pay only authorised items and [Edit] their record.
  • On the [Security] tab, make sure the second option "Purchase" is set to '8' or lower.
  • Click [Done] and [Accept] any changes.
  • Make sure the "Purchase" option is set to '9' on users who are both allowed to authorise and pay invoices.

To configure a report to print following the payments, go to " Reports & Settings Maintenance Options System Administrator Platinum Settings".

  • At "Search on", enter 'Bulk' and click [Search].
  • Select "Bulk payments report" and click [Edit].
  • Select "System" or "User" depending on the report you wish to run.
  • Enter the report code or use <Ctrl+F1> to search for a report to use such as '~BP1 - Bulk Payments Report-Detailed' or '~BP2 - Bulk Payments Report-Summary'.
If you do not have a suitable report available, Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for advice.
  • Specify a "Print Record" to use else the default print record will be applied.
  • Click [OK].
  • Click [Done] and [Accept].


Go to " Purchase Ledger Maintenance Options Bulk Payments Payments Review".

All due invoices along with any credits or payments on account will be listed.


  • Enter the payment date in the "Dated" field. This will default to your current user date unless you amend it.
  • Enter a "Description" for the payment, e.g. BACS or a cheque number.
If you specify a starting cheque number, select "Increment" to allow the system automatically to update the number in the payment description for each supplier payment posted.
  • Enter the "Nominal Centre" from which payment is to be made. This will default to your bank centre, e.g. Z992.
  • Select "Remittance Printing" to print a remittance for each supplier paid. You can print these at a later date by following this article.
  • If you usually print cheques, select "Cheque Printing". Make sure that you have selected the "Increment" option here so that the cheque number will increase automatically as the supplier changes. Please note: If you have not printed cheques from Platinum before you may need this option configuring. Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page for advice.
  • To pay your supplier in local currency using the current exchange rate, select "Pay in local currency". When the payment is posted, any difference due to currency fluctuation will be automatically paid off to nominal centre 'Z952' which is a Profit & Loss - Overhead.
  • Click "View only due" to see only items due for payment.
  • To limit the suppliers by analysis code, press <F6>.
    • Enter the analysis code to restrict the supplier list to only those suppliers then click [Close].
The system will remember the settings you enter here.


The statistics section will display the following information:

  • "Supplier Balance", "Credit Limit" and "Free Credit" - for the supplier highlighted in the bottom half of the screen. Click on a different supplier to see their details displayed.
  • "Tagged total" - the total payment that will be made for all tagged items.

Balances Outstanding

This option can be used to authorise the items to be paid and then to post the payments.

The option to authorise will be available depending on the user's security level - see the above configuration section.
If you do not wish to authorise items prior to posting payments, you may skip the authorise stage.

Select items to authorise/pay

Due invoices will be tagged automatically.

These options are available to assist with selecting the items to authorise/pay.

  • <Alt+F4>/[Untag all] will untag all items.
  • <Alt+F3> will tag all items or <Shift+F3> will tag all for the supplier highlighted.
  • You may also [Tag]/[Untag] specific items.
Credits and Payments on account will not be tagged automatically unless <Alt+F3> is used. To include these, [Tag] each item as required. This will reduce the balance paid to the supplier.
  • Click [Authorise] to authorise the tagged items for payment. The user code and date will be displayed on the column headed "Authorised" (you may need to scroll across the screen to see this column).
  • Click [Close] to exit without posting any payments.

When you or the assigned user are ready to post the payments, return to the " Purchase Ledger Maintenance Options Bulk Payments Payments Review" screen.

  • Click [Tag Authorised] to select the authorised items.

The process from here on is the same if you are authorising items to pay or if you are simply paying the tagged items.

Payment Process
  • Make sure the fields in the "Settings" section are correct, e.g. check the "Date", "Comment" and "Remittance" settings.
  • Choose your print record by pressing <Alt+P>, if not using the default.
  • Click [Pay].
  • Check the amount shown is the amount you expect to pay and click [Yes] when ready to proceed.
This option cannot be reversed. If a mistake is made, you will need to follow this article to reverse payments against the affected items.
  • The payments will be posted to the relevant accounts and remittances and cheques printed depending on the settings chosen.
  • If configured, a report will print to summarise the payments posted.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
bulk payment, automatic payment, supplier payment, pay invoice, payment run, payment, automatic, supplier, cheque, remittance, auto