How do I set up warehouse charging?

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This article explains how to configure charges per storage owner and storage type e.g. charge per pallet, container, rack etc.

More Information

There are two steps to creating your storage charges; per stock item and per storage owner.

Stock Item Charges

Go to " Stock Control Add or Edit Stock Items"

  • Find the stock item to configure.
  • Click [Edit].
  • Select the [Warehousing] tab.
  • Select the "Storage unit" to apply to the item from the drop down menu.
    • If you need to add new "Storage unit" type click [Add].
    • Enter a 3 character "Storage Unit" code e.g. 'PAL'.
    • Enter a "Description" for the storage unit e.g. 'Pallet'.
    • Select the [Settings] tab and enter a default daily charge for this type e.g. '£0.25'.
    • Click [Done] and [Accept].
If, on the storage owners account, you do not specify a charge for this unit type then the default charge will be applied.
  • Enter the Storage "Owner" i.e. the customer for whom you are storing the items.
    • Search for the account code for an existing customer or create an account for a new customer.
  • You may enter the "Ideal quantity" for this product. This can be used to calculate how efficiently stock is stored in the warehouse. Set to '1' if no other value is required.
  • Click [Done] and [Accept] the settings for this item.

Repeat these steps for each item to be stored in the warehouse.

Storage Owner

Either press <Shift+F10> from the "Storage owner" field on the stock item or go to " Sales Ledger Customer File Maintenance Add or Edit Customers".

  • Search for the customer and click [Edit] to amend their account.
  • Select the [Warehousing] tab.
  • Click on the "Charge in" field.
  • Press <F6>.
  • Enter the Storage unit "code" to apply to the owner e.g. 'PAL'.
    • You may press <Ctrl+F1> then click [List] to view a list of storage units.
    • Select the code from the list and click [Choose].
  • Enter the "Charge" per day for this type, for this owner e.g. '£0.40'.
This will override the default for the storage unit type.
  • Repeat to add any codes and charges applicable to this owner and the goods held for them.
  • Press <Esc>.
  • If applicable, specify a "Charge in" and "Charge out" value for this owner. This is usually a flat fee for moving items into or out of the warehouse.
  • Press [Done] and [Accept] to save the changes.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
warehouse charges, storage owner, storage type, storage unit, pallets, crates, racks, charge in, charge out, batch