How do I produce the Ignored Documents report?

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If an employee, when printing an invoice, chooses to [Ignore] the printout this action is recorded onto the Ignored Documents report.

More Information

The Ignored Documents report will print automatically when chosen. If you wish to view it as a PDF please use <Alt+P> and select your PDF printer.

Go to " Reports & Settings Reports Monthly Audit & Cashbook Ignored Document Report".

  • If prompted to clear all ignored invoices? choose [No].

The report will show :

  • The Employee who ignored the invoice.
  • The Time and Date it was printed.
  • The Customer and Document Number that had been assigned to that invoice.
  • The Nett, VAT and Total amounts.

The unused document number will be returned to the system to be assigned to the next invoice produced. This retains the audit trail for your Sales Ledger.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
ignored, ignore, duplicate, ignore print, printed, missing, document number, invoice number
