How do I produce a text invoice in Platinum?

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The following article explains how to create a Free Type, or Text Invoice/Credit within Platinum, e.g. to account for the VAT in Deposits, Storage Charges, Subscription Charges and other sundry items.

More Information

Follow these instructions to create a Free Type Invoice or Credit Note. If you will be producing invoices on a regular basis please see How do I Create Regular Invoices?.

Go to " Sales Ledger Invoice/Credit Notes".

  • Choose 'Invoice or Credit Note' from the "Doc Type:" drop down menu.
  • The "Date" will default to your System Date, change this if necessary.
  • Enter the appropriate Customer Account or press <Ctrl+F1> to search or create an account code.
If you choose 'Credit', the [Document to Credit Selection] box will pop up if there are outstanding invoices on the Customer's Account. To link a credit to a specific invoice, click on that invoice in the list and click [Choose]. Alternatively choose 'Unallocated' to post an unallocated credit.
  • The "Doc No." will be filled in for you.
  • To apply one "Def. V.A.T." Rate to the whole Invoice/Credit you can select it here.
  • In the "Def. Centre" field, enter the Sales Centre associated with this Invoice/Credit or search for it by pressing <Ctrl+F1>.
As you enter the details of the Invoice/Credit Note you will be able to enter different Sales Centres and V.A.T. Rates for each line of text.
  • Enter a relevant comment e.g. 'STORAGE'. This is what you will see when you view " Customer History" so it should be used to identify the nature of the transaction, e.g. 'Deposit VAT' or 'Storage'.
  • Click [Next] to move onto the [Text] tab.
  • In "Product Description:", enter the details of the product or services being invoiced or credited. You may enter text on several lines without entering any prices or quantities.
  • Fill in the following fields for the lines they apply to:
Enter all amounts as positive values. If you are creating a Credit Note the system will automatically post the values as negative amounts to the Sales Ledger.
    • "Line Total" - Enter the Nett amount to apply to the line. If you enter a V.A.T. Inclusive price, press <F6> to calculate the Nett amount.
    • "Quantity" - Enter the quantity, if applicable.
    • "Unit Price" - The Nett Unit Price will be multiplied by the Quantity to give the Line Total
    • "V.A.T. Rate" - From the drop down menu, select the rate to apply to this line.
    • "Centre" - To apply one Sales Centre to the line, enter the code to use or click <Ctrl+F1> to Search for a Centre.
      • To apply multiple Centres, press <F2>. Enter the Centres and amounts to allocate to each in the [Multiple Centre Allocation] box. Click [Close] when you have entered all applicable Centres. The total value of the centres that you enter here will be used as the value on the invoice, so please check that this is correct before you print the invoice.
  • Click [Next] to move onto the [Summary] tab.
  • If you need to enter "Carriage", apply a "Discount" or edit the VAT amounts, click in the relevant box.
  • Check the 'Totals' are correct. If you need to make any changes, click the [Previous] button.
  • Click [Print] to print the Invoice/Credit Note.
  • Check the printout. If you need to make any changes, click [Edit] else click [Accept] to save the Invoice/Credit Note.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
text, free type, freetype, invoice, storage, subscription, credit, VAT on Deposits credit note, invoice/credit notes, sales ledger invoice, sales ledger credit, manual invoice, manual credit
