How do I create a supplier balance report?

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If you are keen to start creating your own reports this article guides you through creating a very simple Supplier Balance report.

More Information

The Report Generator in Platinum is a very useful and powerful tool. Please Contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website sales contact page who will be pleased to advise you on upcoming training course dates and availability.

Please see Report Generator - Getting Started for links to other useful articles.

Creating a Report

These instructions will guide you through creating a simple Supplier Balance list.

Go to " Purchase Ledger Purchase Reports Accounts Report Generator".

  • Add a new report

Follow the sections below in order:

Sort Order

  • Under the "Var" column enter 'A01' - Ledger Code or press <Shift+F2> to select this variable from a list of available variables.
  • Press <Enter> to move down to Row 2.
  • Enter 'A02' - Account Code to list suppliers in account code order.

Press <Esc> to return the report menu.

Range Filter (1)

  • Under the "Var" column enter 'A01'- Ledger Code.
  • Press <Enter>.
    • Press <Enter> twice to move across to the "Limit/Comparison" column.
    • Enter 'P' to specify Purchase Accounts only.
    • Press <Enter> to move through the remaining columns until you are on the next row.
  • Enter 'A08' - Account Balance.
    • Press <Enter> to move to the "Op" column.
    • Enter '<>' or press <F11> to view the available operators. In this case we are using Not equal to.
    • Press <Enter> to move across to the "Limit/Comparison" column.
    • The value should be set at 0.00. This will exclude any suppliers with a zero balance on their account.

Press <Esc> to return the report menu.

Column Details

  • Press <F2> to create column 1.
    • Move down to "File Var." and enter 'A02' - Account Code.
    • Press <Enter> then <Esc> and [Accept] the column.
  • Press <F2> to create column 2.
The system will automatically enter the position at which the column will be printed. It uses the previous column position plus that column's width plus 1 to allow for a space.
    • Move down to "File Var." and enter 'A03' - Account Name.
    • Press <Enter> then <Esc> and [Accept] the column.
  • Press <F2> to create column 3.
    • Move down to "File Var." and enter 'A08' - Account Balance.
    • Press <Enter> then move down to the "Before" field.
    • Set the value to '08' - this will ensure the total of the report has enough decimal places to display values exceeding 999,999.99
    • Press <Enter> then <Esc> and [Accept] the column.
    • Use your arrow keys or tab button to move across to the "Groups" section.
    • Under 'O' change 'N' to 'T'.
The system will automatically create a totals section at the bottom of the report. It will contain a formula which will total the balance column for you.
    • Press <Enter> then <Esc> and [Accept] the column.

Press <Esc> twice to return to the report menu.

Output Options

Specify how you wish to Output the report.

Saving the Report

When you have completed your report click [Finish Editing] and click [Accept].

Having created this report you may wish to be brave and amend it to suit your purpose! See Modifying a Report Generator System Report for instructions on how to copy a report. This way you always have a backup to return to.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
report, reports, generate, generator, figures, report generator, custom reports, custom, supplier balance