How do I print and email a PDF?

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The following article explains how to create a print record to allow you to print a PDF document and attach it directly to a blank email in your email program ready for you to enter the subject.

More Information

This link relies on there being a valid email address on your customer/supplier accounts. If the email is missing the link it will still create the PDF and attach it but the email address will be blank. If not on Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 and above or your system doesn't have the Catalyst "SXMail" module installed, then for help installing and setting up the PDF995 Program please refer to the How do I Setup Printing to PDF in Platinum? article in the See also section at the bottom of this article.
It is important to have a PDF file viewer installed on your PC if you don't have one already. One of the most popular is the Adobe Acrobat Reader available for download here -

Setting up the Platinum Print Record

On Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 and above Platinum now interfaces with the built-in Microsoft Print to PDF printer and the following steps are not necessary. However if your system doesn't have the Catalyst "SXMail" module installed then you will still have to use the old method described below.
  • Press <Alt+P> from anywhere within Platinum to open the "Print Record Override" window.
  • Press <Ctrl+F1> to open the "Print Record Search" and then press <F9> or press [Copy] to create a new print record based on an existing one.
  • Platinum will then prompt you to choose the record to base the new one on. Enter '01' to choose the record of your "default Windows printer" and then press [Choose]. The " Print Record Properties" window will now open with a complete copy of record '01'.
  • Set the "Record Name" to read 'PDF to Email Printer'.
  • Set the "Output" to 'Pdf to email'.
  • On the "device" tab , enter 'WIN:PDF995' as the "Default Print Device".
  • Press <Esc> or press [Done] and then press [Accept] to save the new print record.

Printing a Platinum Document to PDF and Attaching to an email

  • When you are printing anything from Platinum that you want to email, get to the point where the next button you press would normally print and press <Alt+P>.
  • Type in number '91' for the built-in 'PDF to email' if on Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 or above, or the number of the 'PDF to Email Printer' record created above if not (or press <Ctrl+F1> to search for the desired PDF to email print record).
  • Press <Enter>.
  • Press the appropriate key to print.
  • This will go through much the same process as a normal print (i.e. you will see the normal "Printer Status" box).
  • If you using the free version of PDF995, the sponsor box will appear for approx 10 seconds and a smaller advert box will appear advertising other Software995 products. This can be closed.
  • A blank email will then open up with the email address and document attached allowing you to enter the subject and add some text to the email.

Printing Statements to Email

If on Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 or above you can use print record '90' for the built-in 'PDF to email (silent)' or one based on it to bulk send PDF statements (or other documents produced in bulk) via email to all you customers.

To check this setting:

  • Press <Alt+P> from anywhere within Platinum to open " Print Record Override" window.
  • Press <Ctrl+F1> to open the search.
  • Find print record '90' for the built-in 'PDF to email (silent)' or one based on it that you want to use.
  • Press <F5> to open up its properties.
  • In the " PDF to email" section in the bottom right, ensure the "On error output:" is set to the print record that you want to use to print out on paper for customers who do not have an email address recorded.
  • Press <Esc> or press [Done] and then press [Accept] to save the new print record.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
print, record, new printer, new, printer, rec, printing, windows, default, def, windows default printer win selection, sel, printer selection, PDF, ADOBE, PDF995, PDF 995, OUTPUT, file, email, outlook, thunderbird
