Dealing with backorders in point of sale

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The following article explains how to deal with customer orders in Point of Sale. There will be times when an item a customer wants is out of stock, or they want a special order item.

More Information

Creating the Order

Go to " Stock Control Point of Sale".

  • At "Customer:" type in the customer's account code if known, or search for the customer, or create a new customer.
  • At the "Stock Code:" enter the stock code that you want to sell, or search for a stock item.
  • At the "Quantity" enter the quantity of this item to be sold.
  • Click [Checkout].
  • This now pulls up a dialog box with the customer's order details. By default, the system will try and take full payment. If you need to change this, amend the amount accordingly.
  • Press <F7> or click [Confirm] to proceed to the Payments screen.
  • Take the payment in the usual way.
  • The system will print a deposit receipt with the customer, order and payment details.

Ordering the Item

  • See here for details on how to order the items from your suppliers.
  • Once you have received the item from your supplier, the customer reference details will be printed on the goods received note. From this, you can contact the customer and inform them that their item has arrived. With the Sales Order Link switched on, you can inform them by text that the item has arrived.

Retrieving the Backorder

Go to " Stock Control Point of Sale".

  • At "Customer:" type in the customer's account code if known, or search for the customer.
  • Press <Ctrl+F3> to search for the customer's order reference.
  • This will bring up a reference search. Type part of the customer name or telephone number and press <Enter>.
  • Select the customer's reference and press <Enter>.
  • This will bring up a list of all outstanding orders for the customer.
  • Press <T> to tag all the orders you wish to transfer.
  • Click [Accept] or <F2> to transfer all the orders to the Point of Sales screen so you can continue adding items.
  • When ready, click [Checkout].
  • If payment has previously been taken, this will be shown in "Previously Paid Deposit". If you need to take payment, select the relevant centre and click [Post] to complete the transaction.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Backorder, Point of Sale, Stock, Credit, retrieve, retrieve