Document Configuration - Vehicle Sales Document

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The Platinum System "Vehicle Sales" allows the layout of your Invoices (credits use the original format of the invoice), Quotations and Sales Orders to be configured to print the details you require. This is done using a system of "tokens" which represent the items you wish to print, and their positions on the document.

Token File Names


New Vehicle Invoice Format
Used Vehicle Invoice Format
New Vehicle Commercial Invoice
Used Vehicle Commercial Invoice


New Vehicle Quotation Format
Used Vehicle Quotation Format
New Vehicle Commercial Quotation
Used Vehicle Commercial Quotation

Sales Order

New Vehicle Sales Order
Used Vehicle Sales Order
New Commercial Sales Order
Used Commercial Sales Order

Layout Tokens

Tokens are indicated by the character '~' followed by a number (the token identifier).

These identifiers may be up to 3 digits in length in the range 1 to 999. Tokens each have specific uses, which are listed below.


Some tokens may also be given parameters. The number of parameters vary for each token. To specify a token with parameters the token must be followed by a comma then parameter. Each parameter is similarly divided from the next by a comma (no terminating comma is required).

Document Areas

For the purposes of configuration, the document layouts are divided into 3 main areas: "Headings", "Body" & "Footings".

The printing program goes to some lengths to work out where the "headers", "footers" and "part exchange" sections lie, but you may explicitly tell it the following tokens.

~901,1 Header Section start
~901,2 Header Section end
~902,1 Footer Section start
~902,2 Footer Section end
~903,1 Totals Section start
~903,2 Totals Section end
~904,1 Part Exchange Section start
~904,2 Part Exchange Section end
~905,1 Sale Vehicle Section start
~905,2 Sale Vehicle Section end

The main purpose of these are to set out what details will be printed for multiple sale vehicles, or multiple part exchanges, where these occur. In such cases, additional pages will be printed. These consist of the detected "Header Section", as many "Sale Vehicle" or "Part Exchange" sections as can be on between the headers and footers, and a "Footer" section.

The only purpose of the "Totals Section" at the time of writing is to avoid the program getting sidetracked by what is otherwise a "part exchange" token included in the document totals.


General Tokens

These can appear in either Headers or Footers.

(30 characters)
Client Name
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(30 characters)
Client Address Line 1
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(30 characters)
Client Address Line 2
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(30 characters)
Client Address Line 3
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(30 characters)
Client Address Line 4
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(30 characters)
Client Address Line 5
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(25 characters)
Document Number
(32 characters)
Document Date - Long Format
(10 characters)
Document Date - Short Format
(70 characters)
Notes Entered
(25 characters)
Company Name
n = 1 -> 2
Name index
(25 characters)
Company Address
n = 1 -> 2
Address index
(25 characters)
Standard Headings

Used from the Print record.

This token must be on a line of its own.
n = 1 -> 2
Heading index
(25 characters)
Standard Footings

Used from the Print record.

This token must be on a line of its own.
n = 1 -> 2
Footing index
~92,n Delivery Due Date
n = 0
(10 characters)
Short format. e.g. 'DD/MM/CCYY'.
n = 1
(32 characters)
Long Format. e.g. 'Friday, 31st January 20??'.
(10 characters)
Sales Person
n = 0
Short name.
n = 1
Long name.

Finance Company Tokens

~206,n Suppresses Printing if no Finance
n = 1
Printing off (If no Finance).
n = 2
Printing on.
(30 characters)
Name of Finance Company
(30 characters)
Finance Company Address
n = 1 -> 2
Address index
(6 characters)
Finance Company Account Code
(25 characters)
Finance Company Contact Name
n = 1 -> 10
Name index
~198,n Finance Company Phone Number / Email
n = 1
(15 characters)
Telephone Number.
n = 2
(20 characters)
Mobile Number.
n = 3
(60 characters)
Email Address.
(15 characters)
Finance Company Fax Number
(40 characters)
Finance Company Brief Notes
n = 1 -> 5
Notes index
(10 characters)
Finance Company Reference
(6 characters)
Finance Company Account Group
(1 character)
Finance Company Analysis Code
n = 1 -> 3
Analysis Code index.
(15 characters)
Finance Company Analysis Description
n = 1 -> 3
Analysis Description index.
(60 characters)
Finance Company Extra Notes
n = 1 -> 999
Account Extra Note line index.
(30 characters)
Finance Company V.A.T. Registration Number
(20 characters)
Finance Agreement Number

Client Tokens

(30 characters)
Client Account Code
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(25 characters)
Client Contact Name
n = 1 -> 10
Name index
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
~208,n,m Client Phone Number / Email
n = 1
(15 characters)
Telephone Number.
n = 2
(20 characters)
Mobile Number.
n = 3
(60 characters)
Email Address.
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(15 characters)
Client Fax Number
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
~210,n,m,l Client Notes
n = 1 -> 5
Notes index
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
l = 0
(40 characters)
Notes information.
l = 1
(10 characters)
Notes prompt.
(10 characters)
Client Reference
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(6 characters)
Client Account Group
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(1 character)
Client Analysis Code
n = 1 -> 3
Analysis Code index.
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(1 character)
Client Analysis Description
n = 1 -> 3
Analysis Description index.
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(1 character)
Client Extra Notes
n = 1 -> 999
Client Extra Note line index.
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
(30 characters)
Client V.A.T Registration Number
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account
~235,n,m Client Date of Birth
n = 0
(10 characters)
Short format. e.g. 'DD/MM/CCYY'.
n = 1
(32 characters)
Long Format. e.g. 'Friday, 31st January 20??'.
m = 0
m = 1
Sales Account

Payment & Total Tokens

(12 characters)
Pre-Paid Deposit
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Payment Taken at the time of this Document
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Total Payment

Deposit + Document Payment = Total Payment

n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
~189,n,"x" Payments Tendered Layout
The column number about which the text will be centered.
A line of descriptive text which may contain the following tokens (without padding spaces):
(10 characters)
Amount Paid
(6 characters)
Payment Code
(30 characters)
Payment Description
(12 characters)
Gross Total, Nett of Accessories

Includes Delivery if priced "On the Road".

n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Nett Amount due from Client (Split Invoice)
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 1 -> 4
The Tax Rate.
(12 characters)
Nett Amount due from Finance Company (Split Invoice)
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 1 -> 4
The Tax Rate.
(12 characters)
Nett Amount Due
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 1 -> 4
The Tax Rate.
(12 characters)
V.A.T Amount due from Client (Split Invoice)
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 1 -> 4
The Tax Rate.
(12 characters)
V.A.T Amount due from Finance Company (Split Invoice)
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 1 -> 4
The Tax Rate.
(12 characters)
Total V.A.T.
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 1 -> 4
The Tax Rate.
(12 characters)
Gross Amount due from Client (Split Invoice)
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 1 -> 4
The Tax Rate.
(12 characters)
Gross Amount due from Finance Company (Split Invoice)
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 1 -> 4
The Tax Rate.
(12 characters)
Gross Amount
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 1 -> 4
The Tax Rate.
(12 characters)
Balance due on Invoice
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Balance Due On Invoice (Includes deduction for Amount Financed)
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Invoice Total excluding Part Exchange
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Nett Part Exchange Value (Value Less Settlement)
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Outstanding Balance

This takes into account the Cashback, Part Exchange, Deposits/Payments and Finance.

n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(10 characters)
System Tax Rate(s)
n = 1
Print Tax Rate description.
n = 2
Print Tax Rate as a percentage.
m = 1 -> 4
The Tax Rate.
(80 characters)
Top Left hand corner of Credit Charge Text Block

The Credit Charge Text Block is defined in "System Administrator" -> "Add or Edit Credit Charge Options" and configures itself according to the details of the current document.

(10 characters)
Total: Amount of any Credit Charge Applicable to the Current Document.
(10 characters)
Total: Gross total for the current document, plus any applicable Credit Charge.

Discount Tokens

~140,n Suppresses Printing if no Discount
n = 1
Printing off (If no Discount).
n = 2
Printing on.
(12 characters)
Vehicle Price Before Discount
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Discount Amount
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(7 characters)
Discount Percentage
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.

Cashback Tokens

~160,n Suppresses Printing if no Cashback
n = 1
Printing off (If no Cashback).
n = 2
Printing on.
(20 characters)
Cashback Prompt/Description
(12 characters)
Cashback Amount Gross
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Cashback Amount Nett
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Cashback Amount V.A.T.
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(7 characters)
Cashback Percentage
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Balance Due on Invoice

Includes deduction for Cashback Credit.

n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Total of Vehicle plus Accessories, less Cashback
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Total of Vehicle plus Accessories, less Cashback, less Part Exchange
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.

Finance Tokens

(12 characters)
Amount Financed
(6 characters)
Finance Period in Years
(3 characters)
Finance Number of Payments
(6 characters)
Finance Basic Percentage Rate
(12 characters)
Finance Documentation Fee
(12 characters)
Finance Termination Fee
(12 characters)
Finance Amount of Each Installment
(12 characters)
Finance Total of Repayments

(Number of Payments * Payment Amount) + Deposit + Part Exchange Asking + Balloon = Repayments total.

(12 characters)
Finance Total to Pay

Number of Payments * Payment Amount = Total to Pay

(6 characters)
A.P.R. of Finance
(12 characters)
Finance Balloon Amount
(12 characters)
Finance Balloon Percentage Rate
(12 characters)
Finance Final Payment Amount
(12 characters)
Finance Subsidy Amount

Sale Vehicle Tokens

~110,n Suppresses Printing if Sales Vehicle is New
n = 1
Printing off (if Sale Vehicle is New).
n = 2
Printing on.
~111,n Suppresses Printing if Sales Vehicle is Used
n = 1
Printing off (if Sale Vehicle is Used).
n = 2
Printing on.
~112,n Suppresses Printing if Sales Vehicle is Commercial
n = 1
Printing off (if Sale Vehicle is Commercial).
n = 2
Printing on.
~113,n Suppresses Printing if Sales Vehicle is non-Commercial
n = 1
Printing off (if Sale Vehicle is non-Commercial).
n = 2
Printing on.
~115 Suppresses Printing Additional Pages for Multiple Sale Vehicles
~159,n Maximum number of Sale Vehicles per Page

May be required when printing multiple sale vehicles using Windows printer control codes, as calculating the safe number to print between the headers and footers becomes more difficult.

Number of (multiple) sale vehicles per page.
(8 characters)
Sale Vehicle Stock Number
(20 characters)
Sale Vehicle Description
n = 0
(20 characters)
First 20 characters of the description (legacy layouts).
n = 1-4
(40 characters)
Line 1 - 4 of the description
(10 characters)
Sale Vehicle Registration Number
~33,n Sale Vehicle Colour
n = 0
(15 characters)
n = 1
(30 characters)
Technical Colour
n = 2
(3 characters)
Technical Colour Code
~34,n Sale Vehicle Registration Date
n = 0
(10 characters)
Short format. e.g. 'DD/MM/CCYY'.
n = 1
(32 characters)
Long Format. e.g. 'Friday, 31st January 20??'.
(8 characters)
Sale Vehicle Mileage
(25 characters)
Sale Vehicle Chassis Number
(25 characters)
Sale Vehicle V.I.N.
(25 characters)
Sale Vehicle Engine Number
(12 characters)
Total Sale Vehicle Price

Includes Delivery if priced "On the Road".

(12 characters)
Total Sale Vehicle Nett Amount

Includes Delivery if priced "On the Road".

(12 characters)
Total Sale Vehicle V.A.T. Amount
(12 characters)
Delivery Charge
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
~43,n,m,l Sales Vehicle Notes, or Notes Prompts
n = 1 -> 4
Notes index
m = 0
Sales Vehicle Notes.
m = 1
Part Exchange Vehicle Notes.
l = 0
(40 characters)
Notes information.
l = 1
(10 characters)
Notes prompt.
(15 characters)
Sale Vehicle Price

Excludes Delivery (if priced "On the Road").

n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(25 characters)
Sale Vehicle Warranty Number
(10 characters)
Sale Vehicle Key Number
~108,n Vehicle Consignment
n = 0
Consignment Number.
n = 1
Consignment Prompt.
~109,n,m Vehicle Funding
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 0
Vehicle Funding Amount.
m = 1
Vehicle Funding Prompt.
(4 characters)
New/Used Flag

Used within the "Sale Vehicle" block this will check the "current" vehicle; otherwise will check the main/first vehicle.

n = 0
Prints "New" for New, "Used" for Used.
n = 1
Prints "Yes" for New, "No" for Used.
~130,n,m Sale Vehicle Model
n = 0
(20 characters)
Model Code.
n = 1
Model Description.
m = 0
(30 characters)
First 30 characters of the description (legacy layouts).
m = 1-4
(40 characters)
Line 1 - 4 of the description
(5 characters)
Sale Vehicle Cubic Capacity
~132,n Sale Vehicle M.O.T. Expiry Date
n = 0
(10 characters)
Short format. e.g. 'DD/MM/CCYY'.
n = 1
(32 characters)
Long Format. e.g. 'Friday, 31st January 20??'.
(30 characters)
Sale Vehicle Manufacturer Name
(1 character)
Sale Vehicle Tax Code
(6 characters)
Sale Vehicle Tax Percentage
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(15 characters)
Sale Vehicle Technical Model Code
(1 character)
Sale Vehicle Fresh Import
(10 characters)
Sale Vehicle Distance Counter
~139,n Sale Vehicle Location
n = 0
(3 characters)
Location Code.
n = 1
(30 characters)
Location Description.
(10 characters)
Warranty Start Date
n = 0
(10 characters)
Short format. e.g. 'DD/MM/CCYY'.
n = 1
(32 characters)
Long Format. e.g. 'Friday, 31st January 20??'.
~145,n Warranty End Date
n = 0
(10 characters)
Short format. e.g. 'DD/MM/CCYY'.
n = 1
(32 characters)
Long Format. e.g. 'Friday, 31st January 20??'.
(40 characters)
Warranty Notes
n = 1 -> 2
Notes index
~155,n,m,l Sale Vehicle / Document Analysis Code / Description
n = 1 -> 3
Analysis Code index.
m = 0
Sale Vehicle Analysis Codes.
m = 1
Document Analysis Codes.
l = 0
(15 characters)
Analysis Code Description.
l = 1
(1 character)
Analysis Code.
(25 characters)
Sale Vehicle Image Path
n = 0
Default Image
n = 1 -> 999
Image Number
(4 characters)
Vehicle Build Year

Format 'CCYY'.

n = 0
Sale Vehicle Build Year
n = 1
Part Exchange Build Year
(8 characters)
Total Number of Sale Vehicles

Part Exchange Tokens

~60,n Suppresses Printing If no Part Exchange
n = 1
Printing off (if no Part Exchange).
n = 2
Printing on.
~62,n Suppresses Printing If Part Exchange is Non-Commercial
n = 1
Printing off (if Non-Commercial).
n = 2
Printing on.
~116 Suppresses Printing Additional Pages for Multiple Part Exchange Vehicles
~158,n Maximum number of Part Exchange Vehicles per Page

May be required when printing using Windows printer control codes, as calculating the safe number to print between the headers and footers becomes more difficult.

Number of part exchange vehicles per page.
~43,n,m,l Part Exchange Vehicle Notes, or Notes Prompts
n = 1 -> 4
Notes index
m = 0
Sales Vehicle Notes.
m = 1
Part Exchange Vehicle Notes.
l = 0
(40 characters)
Notes information.
l = 1
(10 characters)
Notes prompt.
(12 characters)
Part Exchange Finance Settlement
(2 characters)
Part Exchange Prev Owners
~49,n Part Exchange M.O.T. Expiry Date
n = 0
(10 characters)
Short format. e.g. 'DD/MM/CCYY'.
n = 1
(32 characters)
Long Format. e.g. 'Friday, 31st January 20??'.
(8 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Stock Number
(20 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Description
n = 0
(20 characters)
First 20 characters of the description (legacy layouts).
n = 1-4
(40 characters)
Line 1 - 4 of the description
(10 characters)
Part Exchange Registration Number
(15 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Colour
n = 0
(15 characters)
n = 1
(30 characters)
Technical Colour
n = 2
(3 characters)
Technical Colour Code
~54,n Part Exchange Registration Date
n = 0
(10 characters)
Short format. e.g. 'DD/MM/CCYY'.
n = 1
(32 characters)
Long Format. e.g. 'Friday, 31st January 20??'.
(8 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Mileage
(25 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Chassis Number
(25 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle V.I.N.
(25 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Engine Number
(12 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Amount Allowed
(30 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Manufacturer Name
(12 characters)
Nett portion of Amount Paid for Commercial Part Exchange Vehicle
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
V.A.T. portion of Amount Paid for Commercial Part Exchange Vehicle
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
~150,n,m Part Exchange Vehicle Model
n = 0
(20 characters)
Model Code.
n = 1
Model Description.
m = 0
(30 characters)
First 30 characters of the description (legacy layouts).
m = 1-4
(40 characters)
Line 1 - 4 of the description
(30 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Technical Model Code
(10 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Key Number
(1 character)
Part Exchange Vehicle Fresh Import
(10 characters)
Part Exchange Vehicle Distance Counter
(4 characters)
Vehicle Build Year

Format 'CCYY'.

n = 0
Sale Vehicle Build Year
n = 1
Part Exchange Build Year
(8 characters)
Total Number of Part Exchange Vehicles

Extras/Accessories Tokens

~61,n Suppresses Printing if no Extras and Accessories
n = 1
Printing off (If no Extras and Accessories).
n = 2
Printing on.
~117 Suppresses Printing Overflow Sheet for more than 10 Extras and Accessories
(30 characters)
Column position for Accessory Description
n = 0
n = 1
Stock Code
(12 characters)
Column position for Accessory Quantity
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Column position for Accessory Unit Price
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(1 character)
Column position for Accessory V.A.T. Code
(12 characters)
Column position for Accessory Total
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 0
Line Total
m = 1
Total Nett
m = 2
Total V.A.T.
m = 3
Total Gross
(6 characters)
Accessories Discount
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
(12 characters)
Accessories Total Nett
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 0 -> 4
The Tax Rate (0 gives the total of all four rates).
(12 characters)
Accessories Total V.A.T.
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 0 -> 4
The Tax Rate (0 gives the total of all four rates).
(12 characters)
Accessories Grand Total
n = 0
Skip printing zeroes.
n = 1
Print zeroes.
m = 0 -> 4
The Tax Rate (0 gives the total of all four rates).
(25 characters)
Accessories Starting Line
n = 0
Line to start Accessories
(80 characters)
Accessory Heading

If the Accessories overflow to an additional sheet, this heading will also appear as the headings there.

This token must be on a line of its own.
Accessory Heading Text

Credit Card Tokens

~216,n Suppresses Printing If no Credit Card Payment
n = 1
Printing off (If no Credit Card Payment).
n = 2
Printing on.
(30 characters)
Credit Card Holder Name
(20 characters)
Credit Card Number
(5 characters)
Credit Card Expiry Date, as MM/YY
(10 characters)
Credit Card Authorisation Code
(2 characters)
Credit Card Issue Number
(5 characters)
Credit Card Valid From Date, as MM/YY
(15 characters)
System Merchant Number

Output Control Tokens

~74,"x" Copy specified file to output

Will copy the filename given after the token to the printer.

This token must be on a line of its own.
Filename to output.
~75,n,m,l Form Length
This code must be on it's own line, as everything else on a line that has this token will be ignored.
Current line number.
Form Length.
Form Break.
~76 Form Feed
This code must be on it's own line, as everything else on a line that has this token will be ignored.
~99 Pad Markers with Spaces

Print Style Tokens

The following print style codes must have 3 spaces after them as these codes always 6 characters wide.

(6 characters)
(6 characters)
(6 characters)
(6 characters)
(6 characters)
Double Strike On
(6 characters)
Double Strike Off
(6 characters)
Paper Forward
(6 characters)
Paper Backward
(up to 32 characters)
Insert print style

This print style code doesn't need any spaces after it as it will the width of the print code to insert.

n = 1 -> 999
Corresponds to the print code ID in the "Print Code Amendments".

Currency Conversions

Platinum "Elite" systems only. "Solo" systems will need to be upgraded to "Elite", contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on (0116) 230 1500 or by using our [[1]] sales contact page for your upgrade path.

All tokens that return a currency amount may now be modified to convert that amount into a different currency before printing. This is done by using a currency modifier after the token number but before any parameters. This modifier begins with a special symbol and may optionally be followed by a number and/or a three character currency code.

To get the relevant currency symbol to print on a document, the symbols '$' and '#' (hash symbol, but may have been misprinted as a pound sign) are used immediately after the token that you wish the currency conversion to take place. Using the '#' will suppress the printing of the currency symbol. This can be useful when printers don't have relevant symbols for some currencies.

Unless the relevant currency required is set up against the base rate in Currency Maintenance, no conversion will take place. Also, the customer needs to be correctly flagged for the appropriate Country.

The number part of the modifier may be used to specify the maximum number of characters to print. Some currencies may involve quite large amounts and this number can be used to make sure there is enough room to print them. The three character currency code specifies which currency to convert the amount to. This may be omitted, in which case the currency specified for the account associated with the document being printed will be used, if there is one.

Some examples using '~29,1' amount taxed at tax rate 1.
no conversion
'*100.00' - (where * is your usual currency symbol).
convert to the account currency (if there is one)
'1005.18F' - (e.g. French Francs.)
convert to account currency and print to a width of 12
convert to currency USD (US Dollar)
same, but suppress the symbol and print to a width of 12

Currency Tokens

There is a group of tokens that may be used in headers and footers to print details about the currency set up for the account associated with the document.

(12 characters)
Exchange rate from base currency to account currency
(15 characters)
Sub-units of the currency set for this account
(15 characters)
Units of the currency set for this account
(30 characters)
Name of the currency set for this account
(3 characters)
Code of the currency set for this account
~298 Skip block until next ~298

Should be used in pairs on a line. Everything between them is blanked out if there is no currency set for this account

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Layout, Token, Format, Document, Setup, Config, Configuration, Invoice, Credit, Currency, Estimate, Quotation, Order