How do I Export a Supplier List?

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Revision as of 19:19, 28 January 2016 by Katy Kitchen (talk | contribs) (See also)
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This article explains how to export a list of your suppliers to a '.CSV' file for you to view in any good commercial spreadsheet.

More Information

  • Go to " Systems\Accounts Purchase Ledger Purchase Reports Accounts Report Generator".
  • Type in 'EXS' in the "Filter on" field and press <Enter>.
  • Select the 'Export Suppliers(EXPSUPP.CSV)' and click [Start].
  • This should open up a spreadsheet document with a list of all of your suppliers and their contact details. If you do not have a spreadsheet programme on your machine it should open the file in a text editor such as Notepad for you to save to a suitable location.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Export, Purchase ledger, Supplier, List, Listing