How can I Print to PDF Remotely?

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The following article explains how to print to a PDF printer from within Platinum when you use Remote Desktop to access Platinum (normally used when you operate from a remote site to the main server pc).

More Information

When you attach to Platinum using Remote Desktop the required printers need to be installed on the server. To be able to set up a PDF printer on the server, you will need access to the desktop on the server. If your remote session closes automatically when you exit from Platinum, you will need to ask someone with access to the server to set this up for you. Installing and setting up PDF printing will only be required to be done once, for all remote users to have access. You will need to set up a network location accessible from the server and your local pc to be able to save the output print file.

Installing the PDF Printer

Install thePDF printer and set up the print record within Platinum from the desktop of the server, following the article here.

Printing a Platinum Document to PDF

  • When you are printing anything from Platinum that you want to print to file, before you click the Template:Buttone button press <Alt+P>.
  • Type in the number of the 'PDF PRINTER' record or press <Ctrl+F1> to search for that print record.
  • Press <Enter>.
  • Press the appropriate key to print.
  • This will go through much the same process as a normal print (i.e. you will see the normal "Printer Status" box).
  • A PDF995 "Save As" box will appear allowing you to save the document with a file name - any Platinum PDF print will always default to a name of "Platinum Document.pdf" and will default to the SXCO1 folder. You should enter a sensible name for your file and make sure the file location is the shared location set up earlier.
If you are printing a Sales Daybook for a period, a sensible name would be 'Sales Daybook June 2015'.

  • If you using the free version of PDF995, the sponsor box will appear for approx 10 seconds and a smaller add box will appear advertising other Software995 products. This can be closed.
  • The document will appear in your default PDF file viewer and will be accessible from your local pc in the previously set up accessible location.