How do I add more description to a workshop job?

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This article explains how to add an extra description to a workshop job. This extra description can be used for a variety of purposes. These include extra instructions to the technicians, advisory notes to customers to appear on invoices, and more information about sales jobs.

More information

To add more description to a job, you need to be in the Job properties. so you will need to go to " Workshop Workshop Diary".

Editing Existing Jobs

To add additional information to a existing job, press <Ctrl+F1> to search for the Job.

  • Fill in the search criteria to get to the relevant Job.
  • Click on [Search]. This will list Jobs that are in search criteria.
  • Click on [Edit]. This will take you to the Workshop Job Properties.
  • At this screen, press <F5> to display "Detailed Notes".
  • Type the extra information about the workshop job here - there is plenty of room to describe what you need to say!

New Workshop Job

To add the more description to a new Workshop Job.

  • Click on [Add]. To display a Blank Job properties screen.
  • Add the relevant information to the workshop Job. i.e. Keeper of vehicle, invoice account, Vehicle Stock number, brief Description...
  • At this screen press <F5> to display Detailed Notes.
  • Type the extra information about the workshop job here - there is plenty of room to describe what you need to say!
On the right hand side of the detail notes screen there are columns JC Inv Est. These stand for JobCard, Invoice and Estimate. The flags set to 'Y' state that the information will be printed out on the relevant printout. These can be amend so it can be printed on one and not another. If you are going to change these to hide information, make sure that you change the correct one!

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
workshop jobcard, description, notes, detailed, detail