Configuring your virus protection for use with Platinum

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IMPORTANT NOTE: We should stress that we cannot and will not accept responsibility for any consequential damage, loss or virus infection that you might suffer as a result of following these instructions.

This article provides suggestions and guidelines as to how to configure your virus protection to get the best performance from Platinum.

Seek Advice: Should you be in any doubt as to the effect the changes that you make are having, then please seek advice from our hotline support.

More Information

It is very important to have some method of virus protection on your PC's but because of the nature of the way this type of software works it can adversely affect the speed and use of programs that are stored on a central server that run across a network such as Platinum. Most protection programs have an option to allow the user to configure "Exclusions".

The general exclusions that are required here are the Platinum data and temporary files. We would not recommend any other exclusions.

It is also a good practise to try and make sure that the Virus software does not run scans during work hours as to prevent any possible "slow down" affect for users.


Your exclusion list should show something like :

  • 'P:\SX\SXCO1\SX*.E*'
  • 'P:\SX\SXCO1\SX*.D*'
  • 'P:\SX\SXCO1\*.tmp'
  • 'P:\SX\SXCO1\*.tp?'

There are some variables here of which you should be aware.

  • The 'P:' may be different on your system. This represents the drive letter on which your Platinum Software is installed. Please call Hotline support if you are unsure as to what this should be.
  • If you have more than one company on your system, then you may need to add extra lines where the 'SXCO1' is replaced by 'SXCO2', 'SXCO3' and so forth.


If your Platinum system is configured with MySQL then you will need to set-up extra exclusions.

  • 'P:\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\Data\SXCo1\SX*.Frm'
  • 'P:\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\Data\SXCo1\SX*.MYD'
  • 'P:\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\Data\SXCo1\SX*.MYI'
  • The 'P:\MySQL\MySQL Server 4.1\Data' may be different on your system (you will need to know the data path of your MySQL server).
  • If you have more than one company on your system, then you may need to add extra lines where the 'SXCO1' is replaced by 'SXCO2', 'SXCO3' and so forth.

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Virus, Scanner, Protection, exclusions, slowdown, slow down, AntiVirus, Anti, MySQL, Server