How do I activate my new Platinum terminal?

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If you change one of your PC's you will need to speak to your sales account manager to arrange the new License\Transfer of License. If you have not yet done so, please Contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website sales contact page.

Tip: For help on setting up new PC's to use Platinum see here.

More Information

Once all the relevant details have been supplied, and the changes made you should receive a phone call or an email that reads something like the one below:

SUBJECT : Activation of New Platinum Details

Hello From Catalyst Support

Just to let you know the changes you requested are now complete and uploaded to 
our servers.

For help to finalise activation click on our Knowledge Base Help link below for 
instructions on what to do next:

How do I Activate my New Platinum Terminal?

Hope this helps, Any Questions\issues don't hesitate to call.


Software Support 

Once you have received notification of the change (either by phone or email) All you now need to do is complete activation is on a PC that isalready running Platinum got to the following options at the top of the Platinum Screen:

" Help About Platinum"

Tip: These are on the same line as the "File", "Edit", "Options and Macros etc
  • Then click the [Online Check] Button in the first tab.
  • You will get a message that says:
 Details Updated Successfully

Template:Tick Your new Platinum Detail changes will now be active.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
Activate, activation, new, PC, SXID, terminal, company name change, company, name, change, NEW PC, PC'S, COMPUTER, TERMINAL, MACHINE, LOGIN, ERROR, LICENCE, TERM, AUTHORISE, authoriation