How do I Use the Sales Ordering Link?
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This article explains how the Sales Ordering Link works and how you could use it effectively.
More Information
When a customer places an order for an item you should be creating a backorder for this as per the instructions here. When the purchase order for this item is then received into stock the system can show you a list of the available Sales Orders that can now be processed on the Sales Ordering Link.
Enabling Sales Ordering Link
To enable the Sales Ordering Link go to " Order Processing Purchase Ordering Maintenance Options Ordering Parameters"
- Change "Automate Link To Sales Ordering" to 'Y' and press [Esc] to save the changes.
Using the Sales Ordering Link
When a purchase order has been received in which contains items that have been backordered for a customer and you escape back to the Purchase Order menu you will see the "Sales Ordering Link" window. This screen will show you a list of all customer backorder items that can now be dealt with. These will be sorted by order date and show the oldest order at the top, however you can re-arrange the list by clicking on any of the column headings. This screen provides the following information -
- "Date" - The date the customer ordered the goods.
- "Reference" - The customers' backorder reference.
- "Stock" - Stock Code of the item in question.
- "Qty" - The Quantity of the item the customer ordered.
- "Pri" - The Priority of this item
- "Requires" - The next process which needs to be completed for this item.
- "Avail." - Whether the item is available to supply to this customer. If there are multiple customers that have ordered the same item the system will take account of the order date and priority to calculate which customers can have the item supplied depending on the quantity of items received into stock.
- "SMS" - Indicates if you have already sent an SMS message to the customer regarding the item.
Using the Link for Point of Sale Backorders
If you are using Point of Sale as your main sales system then you can use the Sales Ordering Link as a method to send an SMS Message to the customer to inform them that their item(s) have arrived. The Point of Sale Backorders should have a reference of the customer's contact number and their name if you did not change the reference when the order was created.
- Click on the item line you want to send a message to the customer, you will see the customer's account details in the top half of the screen.
- Click the [SMS Item] button to send an SMS message to the customer informing them of their item's arrival.
- The item should then be put in a suitable location and labelled to identify the customer it belongs to.
- When the customer then collects their item the sale can be completed as the per the instructions here
Do not use the [Complete] or [Process] if you are using Point of Sale for your backorders. |
Using the Link for Workshop Items
When items are added to a workshop job which are not in stock the system can create the purchase order for these parts as per the instructions here.
When the Sales Ordering Link window appears if there are any any items which belong to a workshop job they should have a reference of 'Job <job number> <Customer Name>'.
- Click on the item line you want to process and the "Avail." column is 'Y' and click [Complete].
- This will book the item out of stock and allocate it to the workshop job.
- The item should then be put in a suitable location and labelled to identify the workshop job it is for.