How do I import a report generator template?

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You have a report template that you have :-

  • Exported from another copy of Platinum.
  • Been sent by a member of our support team.
Important: Once you have received the report file and "downloaded" it, the file will need to be saved onto you server in the SX Folder then in the in your company data folder e.g. 'P:\Sx\Sxco1'.

You need to import this template into Platinum before it can be used.


  1. Go to the report generator you want. If you are importing a Stock report template you should go to the " Stock Control Stock Reports Stock Report Generator", you will then be presented with a list of user reports for that system.
  2. Use the <Shift+F8> key to Import Report(s) and enter the name of the template file (You can use the <Ctrl+F1> key to search for the template file).
  3. The report template will then be imported into platinum.
If the report already exists, you will be prompted to "Overwrite, Rename or Cancel?".
  • Only choose [Overwrite] if you are sure you want to replace the existing report.
  • Alternatively choose [Rename] and you will be asked for a new report code (Maximum of 3 Characters).
  • Choose [Cancel] if you don't want to import the report.

The report is now ready to use or edit.

Can't find the report?: If you cannot find the report you just imported if may have imported into another systems report generator (Each template knows which system it belongs to).

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
report generator, import