How do I deal with unit storage?

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The following article explains how to use Platinum to deal with Vehicle Storage.

More Information

The preferred way to deal with Vehicle Storage is by using the Personnel Planning Module. If you do not have this module please Contact your Platinum dealer or our support team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website support contact page.

The basic concept here is to use the Personnel Planning Diary to log when a customer comes on site for any reason. This way you can see at a glance who is on site.

Go to " Personnel Planning Diary Entries".

  • Click [Add] to add a new diary entry.
  • Enter your initials in the "Person" field.
  • Enter the date the customer comes on to site in the "Date" field.
  • Enter the time that the customer has arrived on site in the "Start time" field.
  • Enter in the customer in the "Account" field.
  • In the "Type" field, change the appointment type to 'SIT' - Customer on Site.
  • In the "Notes:" field, leave any necessary notes if required.
  • Click [Done] and <Accept> to save the entry.
  • When the customer leaves site, go back into the diary entry and in the "End Time:" enter the time that the customer leaves site.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
storage, log, diary