How do I Edit a Rate Table?

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Revision as of 13:23, 22 August 2011 by Les Ward (talk | contribs)
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The following article explains how to edit a rate table.

More Information

Go to " Logistics Management Maintenance Options Rate Table Amendments".

  • Press <Ctrl+F1> to bring up the search box so that you can look for the table.
  • Press <Enter> to list all tables available, or type a word from the description of the table to search.
  • Highlight the required table and click [Choose].
  • Move to the cell that to amend and then press <F5> to amend the Line details or <F6> to amend the Column details.
  • Once you have finished editing the table, press <Esc> and [Accept] to save.

See also

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Keywords AND Misspellings
rate, edit, table, create