Dealing with backorders in point of sale

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There will be occasion where an item a customer wants is out of stock, or they have a special order. The following article explains how to deal with backorders in Point of Sale.

More Information

Creating the Order

Go to " Stock Control Point of Sale"

  • At "Customer:" type in the customer's account code if known, or search for the customer.
  • At the "Stock Code:" enter the stock code that you want to sell, or search for a stock item.
  • At the "Quantity" enter the quantity of this item to be sold.
  • Now click <Checkout>
  • This now pulls up a dialog box with the customers backorder details. By default, the system will try and take full deposit. If you need to change this, amend the amount accordingly.
  • Press <F7> or click Confirm to proceed to the payments screen.
  • Take the payment in the usual way.

Ordering the Item

  • See Processing a Purchase Order for details on how to process a purchase order.
  • Once you have received the item in from your supplier, the backorder/customer reference will be printed on the goods received note and you can contact the customer and inform them that their item has arrived.

Retrieving the Backorder

Go to " Stock Control Point of Sale"

  • At "Customer:" type in the customer's account code if known, or search for the customer.
  • Now press <Ctrl-F3> to search for the customers backorder reference.
  • This will bring up a reference search. Press <Enter> to choose the customers reference.
  • This will bring up a list of all outstanding backorders for the customer.
  • Press <T> to tag all the orders you wish to transfer.
  • Click <Accept> or <F2> to transfer all the orders to the Point of Sales screen so you can continue adding items.
  • When ready, click <Checkout>.
  • If payment has previously been taken, that will be shown in "Previously paid deposit". If you need to take payment, select the relevant centre and <Post> to complete the transaction.