How do I setup my carriage charges?

From Catalyst
Revision as of 17:24, 18 January 2011 by Chris Morrison (talk | contribs) (New page: {{Review}} ==Summary== This article explains how to setup the carriage charges that will appear on your website. {{Note|text=This article is only applicable to users who have a Catalyst E...)
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This article explains how to setup the carriage charges that will appear on your website.

This article is only applicable to users who have a Catalyst E-Commerce Store. If you are interested in advertising your stock online please Contact your Platinum dealer or our sales team on 0116 230 1500 or by using our website sales contact page for more information

More Information

Configuring Charging Method

By default the Catalyst E-Commerce Store is set to provide carriage options based on the value of items in a customers shopping basket. This can be changed so that carriage will be charged based on the weight of items in the shopping basket.

  • To amend the charging method go to " Systems Reports & Parameters Maintenance Options Platinum O and Catalyst Findit Add or Edit News and Content".

This will take you to your online control panel.

  • Click the 'Carriage' link.
Any changes you make on this page will be reflected on your E-Commerce store immediately.
  • Select 'Weight' to charge for carriage based on the weight of the shopping basket or select 'Value' to charge for carriage based on the value of the shopping basket.
  • If you wish to charge for carriage based on the weight of a customer's shopping basket ensure that you have added weights to your items and performed an upload from the 'Platinum O+ Site Maintenance' program.
  • Upon making a selection the changes will be saved and reflected on your website.
  • Clck [Return] to save your changes and return to your admin page.

Configuring Carriage Charges

  • To amend the carriage charges appearing on your website go to {{Menu|Systems|Reports & Parameters|Maintenance Options|Platinum O and Catalyst Findit|Add or Edit News and Content)).

This will take you to your online control panel.

  • Click the 'Store' link.
  • In the "Carriage Details" section you will find your current carriage charges.

If there are no carriage options displayed you will need to click [Add Carriage Option].

The "Stock Code" for each carriage charge is predefined and cannot be amended.
  • In the "Label" field enter the description of the carriage charge which will appear on your website when a customer views the shopping basket.
  • In the "Cost" field enter the amount the customer will be charged for carriage if they select this item, this price is inclusive of any VAT.
If you leave the "Cost" as '0.00' then the customer will not be charged for delivery when choosing this option.
  • In the "Range" fields enter the range of the customer's shopping basket value or weight, depending on your charging method, that a customer's shopping basket must be between for this carriage option to be available.
Leave both fields of the "Range" as '0.00' if you wish for this carriage charge to be shown irrelevant of the value or weight of the customer's shopping basket.
  • Press [Save] once you have completed any required changes.
  • To add an additional carriage option to your website press [Add Carriage Option]
  • Clck [Return] to save your changes and return to your admin page.

See also