How do I deal with unit preparation/PDI?
This area of the system can be very complexed in the terms of the affect it has on each department, from a practical and system point of view. Because of this complexity we believe that we have designed a system that controls the process for each department, in the most efficient and effective way.
The article explains the processes that are involved for each department when a vehicle sales order is created and subsequently invoiced.
Processes Overview
- VSO (Vehicle Sales Order) is created.
- VSO creates an internal Jobcard detailing the customer, vehicle, extras, sales notes to the workshop and delivery due date for the vehicle to be PDI'd. The Job status is SAL (Vehicle Sales Order Job)
- Workshop Scheduled the SAL jobs into the diary, taking note of any special instructions from the sales department.
- Any parts required are picked and/or backordered onto the job.
- When the work is completed, the Jobcard is totalled and all parts booked/retrieved and labour booked.
- The Job is invoiced to sales department and the total cost of the job is booked against the vehicle.
- Sales Department retrieve the sales order and check everthing is correct before the final hand over.
- Sales department hand over the vehicle and produce the sales invoice to the customer for the vehicle, which also contains any extras they have had fitted.
- This completes the process.
Detailed Overview
VSO Creation (Vehicle Sales Order) Sales Department
When creating the VSO there are three features that the sales person must ensure they understand and use correctly to ensure the workshop are updated.
1. Each line of extras has a line Type. The line Types are: - S/W/F. Stock/Workshop/Financial
- Type S - Stock, This creates a order processing sales order which is intended for the clothing department. The idea is to retrieve the sales order into Point of Sale and invoice the clothing, which books it out stock internally to the sales department. When you check out the system will prompt for the vehicle stock number to book the costs too. Please ensure you have this at hand because it only ask once.
- Type W - Workshop, adds the item to the jobcard that is created to the estimate side of the job and details it on the detailed job description.
- Type F - Financial, This is intended for road fund licences, insurance, warranties or any other non stock financial item.
2. Sales Notes.
- Pressing <F7>, from the first screen of the order, allows the sales department to add special instructions for the workshop that are printed onto the detailed notes of the jobcard. For example,
Please Clean, Plate, PDI and fit heated grips...etc |
3. Delivery Due Date. The delivery date you enter on the vehicle sales order updates the Job Due Date for the day before. This indicates to the workshop when the vehicle is due to be collected and helps them schedule the job appropriately.
Workshop Department
Everyday, the workshop should either run the report Sales Jobs To Be Booked or search the diary, filtering on job status SAL. Idenify the jobs that are in progress and awaiting to be scheduled into the diary and then schedule them appropriately.
- Sales Jobs To Be Booked
This report is found in 'Workshop' -> 'Workshop Reports' - 'Sales Jobs To Be Booked'
- Filter Job Status SAL, Get into 'Workshop' - 'Workshop Diary' -> <CRTL+F1> To Search -> 'Type "SAL" into "Status" -> <Search>
- This list all jobs with a status of SAL. These jobs then need scheduling into the diary and changing the Job status to not picked.
- You must then press <F5> for the job detailed notes, which details the special instructions and any parts required.
Parts Department
If there are parts required, the parts department need processes the estimate side of the job,
- Get into the Jobcard and <SHIFT+F6> for the estimate mode.
- <SHIFT+F3> To process the items. This back orders any parts that need ordering and books out stock the parts that need to fitted.
Workshop Department - PDI Jobcard completion
When all the parts have been booked out correctly including any back ordered parts and the labour has been booked appropriately. You must invoice job and complete it. Pass the invoice back to the sales department.
This books the total cost of the job to the vehicle stock number.